Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Things About Debra That Would Never Fly Today

Debra might have been a grounding presence on Everybody Loves Raymond, but there are things about her that wouldn’t fly today.

The final episode of Everybody Loves Raymond aired in 2005, and it’s fair to say that the world of comedy has changed quite a bit since then, in order to follow how society as adapted. While Debra would very much still be the great character she was originally, there are certain things that would be altered about her.

The loving mother and devoted wife is constantly stressed throughout the show, having to juggle everything around the home with very little help from Raymond. She’s a lot of fun as a character, but what aspects of Debra wouldn’t fly today?

Done Her Way

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra School Election
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra School Election
While Debra does have to do a large amount of work at home, the fact is that she is a housewife, and that is her job and full-time commitment. While it’s fair that she’d complain about it, things not being done shouldn’t be too shocking, as Raymond presumes that’s what Debra is doing while he’s at work.

On top of that, whenever he or the children does end up doing something, Debra is too much of a perfectionist to allow it. Everything has to be done exactly her way, which makes her quite demanding and controlling, which isn’t great for a lead role that audiences are supposed to relate with.

Not Letting Ray Work

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Bet with Kids against Ray
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Bet with Kids against Ray
Despite the fact that Debra’s job is being a housewife, she still pushes for Raymond to work from home as often as possible, so he is there if needed. It’s something that he happily does, but even then she is often nagging him too much, going into his office and not letting him focus.

It’s something that likely wouldn’t be written in for her now because it just made Debra feel far too dependent and needy, not to mention the fact that it didn’t allow Raymond to do any work, which didn’t make sense in terms of the family earning money.

Robert’s Crush

Robert Barone Everybody Loves Raymond
Robert Barone Everybody Loves Raymond
While this isn’t necessarily something that could be changed about Debra specifically, the strange crush that Robert clearly had on his brother’s wife was rather odd. Even at that time, it didn’t sit very well, especially because Raymond and Robert were obviously close, even if they annoyed each other.

Nowadays, it is something that a lot of people would certainly call out if it was brought back as it really is quite strange and borderline creepy how obvious he is with it. While she doesn’t reciprocate the feelings, it still doesn’t make it any better.

Her Poor Sex Life

Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra Office
Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra Office
The show obviously tries to depict how chaotic life can be with children and family living nearby, and because of that, it is a running gag that Debra and Raymond never get to enjoy some alone time together. It is a fun storyline at times, but then it also doesn’t do much to build their relationship to be compelling.

Why not mix things up and show them having some enjoyment, making it clear that they can be romantic together. After all, that’s a big part of a relationship and for a show that is incredibly strong for showcasing a real family life, it doesn’t do this aspect much justice.

Boob Job

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Breat Implant Episode
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Breat Implant Episode
During one particular episode, Debra contemplates getting a boob job after she sees first-hand the reaction that one can get. However, while she doesn’t end up making that decision, she does berate the idea, which makes them come across as something negative.

Nowadays, that isn’t something that would wash. Many people use plastic surgery for a variety of complex reasons and it isn’t really something to mock or shame people about as Debra does in this episode.

Pretending Ray Isn’t Her Husband

Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra Moving Across the Street
Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra Moving Across the Street
One of the lowest moments for Debra as a character is when she runs for president of the school committee. She takes it incredibly seriously and that leads to her being firmly on edge and demanding Raymond is at his most presentable throughout.

So, when he ends up spilling on himself during a buffet, it doesn’t go down too well. Instead of laughing it off and embracing her man, Debra claims she doesn’t know him at all, which clearly upsets Raymond. It’s a very cruel moment for Debra’s character which doesn’t quite fit her personality, which is something that would likely be changed.

Belittling Raymond

Raymond isn’t the smartest character in television history and overall, he’s a bit of a goofball. However, Debra knew that when she married and started a family with him, yet throughout the show there are moments where she really belittles him in front of others.

A great example is when they meet their children’s teacher, who ends up suggesting they see a professional. Debra then goes off and makes Raymond seem like a child until she’s told that she is the problem. Her constantly making Raymond feel small wouldn’t be found as funny nowadays.

Shoving Raymond

This is a moment that certainly wouldn’t fly if it happened today and would actually make Debra out to be a villainous character. With Debra simply having too much of Ray’s mistakes, she screams at him and shows an angry side to herself which many would now class as abuse.

She stands over him as he falls onto the floor, screaming at him. But the worst moment is when she pushes Raymond into the bookshelf, which is something that nowadays wouldn’t get a comedic reaction at all.

The Housewife Role

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Choke
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Choke
Nowadays a lot of shows and movies push female empowerment, and rightfully so. Gone are the days where women are just expected to stick at home and be the perfect wife and mother, but that is the role that Debra is very much pigeonholed into during this show.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with it either, nowadays it is far more likely that she would be written in a different way, dividing the responsibility between herself and Raymond a little more fairly.

The Feud With Marie

Debra Marie Everybody Loves Raymond on couch
Debra Marie Everybody Loves Raymond on couch
Throughout the show, it is clear that Debra and Marie do not get along. Living so close together means they both see each other far more than they would like, and the fact Marie enjoys babying her son doesn’t help. However, even though a few arguments are fun, it is nearly every episode that these two women are making snide comments at each other.

The two women are not kind to each other and say and do a lot of things that just wouldn’t fly today, with this being an element of each character that would likely alter.

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