Fifty Shades Movies Ranked Worst To Best

Starting with Fifty Shades of Grey, the erotic Fifty Shades trilogy was not without its controversies, but which of the movies is the best? Springing from the mind of author E.L. James, the Fifty Shades trilogy centers on the relationship between billionaire Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan), and a naive literature student named Anastasia (Dakota Johnson). Like the books that inspired them, the movies took the world by storm and managed to be certified blockbuster hits despite their overwhelmingly bad reviews. The movies boasted star power and glamour that helped elevate the steamy books into must-see movies for curious audiences.

In addition to the critics who panned the film and moralists who wanted it banned, the Fifty Shades movies also drew the ire of the BDSM community because of their negative depiction of their lifestyle. The main issue with the trilogy was that it equated consensual BDSM activity to Christian Grey’s borderline abusive behavior, and it was an overall inaccurate look at alternative sexual communities. Nevertheless, the Fifty Shades trilogy passed $1 billion at the box office and became some of the highest-grossing films of their respective years.

Closing out the trilogy, Fifty Shades Freed sees Christian and Anastasia’s newfound marital bliss threatened by the arrival of a dark figure from their past. While it delivered the usual steamy scenes that put butts in the seats from the start, Fifty Shades Freed was nevertheless picked apart by critics on an even larger scale than its predecessors (via Rotten Tomatoes).

The character of Christian Grey fully entered villain status as he weaponized his sex life with Anastasia as a measure of revenge, further angering the BDSM community, and the script was downright laughable. Though Fifty Shades Freed was another big moneymaker, it mercifully concluded the Fifty Shades movie franchise.

The Fifty Shades trilogy originated as fanfiction inspired by the Twilight novels by Stephenie Meyer.

Though the Fifty Shades trilogy made changes from the books, the second installment was left largely intact. In Fifty Shades Darker, Anastasia and Christian give their love affair another chance as he attempts to “go vanilla” in order to stay together. The sequel drew much of the same criticism as the original (via Rotten Tomatoes), and though there were over-the-top moments, it was mostly subdued.

The film lacked narrative thrust and mostly meandered from one plot point to the next with occasional sexual encounters to provide interest in the story. Despite all that, Fifty Shades Darker’s box office take was enough to guarantee the cinematic trilogy would continue.

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