Fire Country exclusive sneak peek: Gabriela Perez sets a boundary with Bode Leone
Fire Country’s lead romance between Bode Leone and Gabriela Perez was put on ice in season 3 episode 3, “Welcome to the Cult.” While the attraction between the two, and obvious well of love, certainly hasn’t gone anywhere, Gabriela did wonder if perhaps they’re addicted to the thrill of each other.
Remember, they were hot off of carrying a potentially career ruining secret before they decided to come clean about Gabriela missing Tom Gilmore’s medical alert necklace when treating him. Gil took their confession in stride since his allergic reaction to the medicine Gabriela gave him didn’t alter his life, and they did save him in the end. But the incident was yet another instance of the two doing reckless things for the other.
The question is, however, will their decision to slow down hold? Bode and Gabriela aren’t the best at controlling their emotions let alone their compulsion to be close. Their bond has been the catalyst for the demise of two of Gabriela’s romantic relationships. Bode hasn’t even attempted seriously pursuing anyone else since he met her, and he just told her that he’s working to be worthy of her.
Based on the exclusive clip of episode 4, “Keep Your Cool,” shared below, it looks like Gabriela is serious about trying to get some distance from Bode even if boundary setting is the last thing she wants to do. Though, interestingly, her decision to shut down his check-in with her seems to be due to an unexpected, hefty bill she’s just learned she owes.
“Keep Your Cool” synopsis: The temperature is high and tensions are even higher when the crew has to execute an advanced elevator rescue during a heat-induced power outage.
Gabriela has dealt with the emotional consequences of ending her relationship with her ex-fiancé Diego Moreno but now she’s been blindsided by the thousands of dollars she owes for a wedding that didn’t even happen.
Under different circumstances, she may have opened up to Bode, but with the pair trying not to “be them,” it’s not a good time to be talking about her financial woes. Though given her struggle to tell Jake in season 1 about her money issues when they were dating, it’s also just as possible that Gabriela would have shut Bode down about what had her upset even if they were in a relationship.
Still, Bode is definitely pining. He’s the one who pointed out they haven’t properly caught up in two weeks. It’s established that he and Gabriela love talking to one another and about how they’re feeling, so going 14 days without a real conversation would be hard. But something tells me that this freeze they’ve got going on will melt soon. Prior to this season they’d never been able to pop in on each other when they want and now they can, that’s got to be an impulse that’s difficult to deny.