‘Fire Country’ Season 3 Episode 6 Recap: Cam and Bode Don’t See Eye to Eye
Things are heating up on Fire Country and I don’t mean the calls. Bode (Max Thieriot) is playing with fire in his personal life, too (and that is the last heat/flame metaphor in this recap, I promise). It’s time for a hangout at Smokey’s when this episode begins, and the gang is all here, including Audrey (Levin Rambin). Two eagle babies are set to hatch in the nearby state park, and it seems like most of the town has gathered to watch the live feed of the nest. Gabs (Stephanie Arcila) is unfamiliar with Edgewater’s eagle obsession despite living there for a few years now, but Audrey is already caught up and in the thick of it.
Bode is also in the thick of it. He’s telling stories about his childhood eagle adventures. He’s laughing. He’s joking. He looks like a completely different person than the brooding adrenaline junkie we’ve spent the last two seasons with, and it’s all for… Audrey. Yeah, you read that right. After going to the most extremes for Gabriella, Bode has the nerve to boldly flirt with Audrey right in front of his ex-girlfriend-slash-hook-up-partner’s face. He’s even housesitting for his fellow cadet.
Gabs really hates that, but she’s not willing to admit it. Why would either of these two start being straightforward about their feelings now? That would be productive and healthy behavior, and it would make for boring TV. So we know we’ve got at least one more round on the Gabs and Bode feelings carousel, but there’s one person that’s not getting on the ride, and that’s Cam Casey (Jared Padalecki).
‘Fire Country’ Season 3 Episode 6 Is All About the Eagles
Bode’s assignment for this week is to prove he’s a Serious Firefighter™, but Cam doesn’t think that he can get the job done if he’s surrounded by distractions, like Gabs and the entire Leone family. There’s no better time for Bode to prove that he’s ready to move on to the elite than with the latest fire that is threatening the safety of the town’s new baby eagles.
Everyone is determined to save these eagle babies — except for Cam. His priority is saving people, not baby birds. He wants to take the most efficient route to cut the fire off from town, but it would mean disturbing the eagles’ nest. Eve’s (Jules Latimer) ex-girlfriend Francine (Katie Findlay), who is the park ranger overseeing the birds, will not allow it. So Vince (Billy Burke) comes up with a compromise that will save the eagles and also cut off the fire, but it’ll be harder for the firefighters to cut the line because of the rougher terrain.
Bode, Ladder 42, and Three Rock get to work on clearing the brush so they can cut the line. Gabs makes the mistake of trying to have a conversation with Gabs while they shovel pine out of the way, but he is determined to be a Serious Firefighter™ and he cuts all communication. It’s not going much better for the Three Rock guys. Eve appoints Manny (Kevin Alejandro) to be first saw, a job that Cole (Tye White) was vying for because he believes it will help him make parole earlier. He knows that Manny got the job because Manny was already a captain, and he feels robbed, so he picks a fight with Manny as the fire encroaches. It’s not a good look for either of them, and Eve has to put on her big boss pants to break it up. Luckily for Eve, Francine really likes seeing her in charge. At least someone is having a good time with an ex in this episode.
Bode Makes a Tough Choice in ‘Fire Country’ Season 3 Episode 6
Despite Vince’s best efforts, the wind exacerbates the fire, and it arrives at their destination before they’ve finished the line they need to cut. When Vince weighs the option of ordering a water drop, which would wash the baby eagles out of their nest, Cam loses it and pulls his cadets. He’s not going to put them in danger for the eagles’ sake. He tells Bode to pack up, but Bode has never run away from a fire. He’s trying to make the case to Cam that they should stay when he sees Francine running into the forest to save the birds before the water arrives.
Cam tells Bode that if he wants to be a Serious Firefighter™, he needs to get on the rig, which makes absolutely no sense. He wants Bode to be the guy to do whatever it takes to save people from fire, even when protocol forbids it, but he’s getting his panties in a real twist that Bode isn’t blindly following his command. Either you want Bode to be a firefighter who follows his gut, or you just want a lackey who does what you say, bro. What kind of “Serious Firefighter” doesn’t stay to fight the fire? Cam wants Bode to choose between him and Vince. There are distractions, and there’s trying to isolate someone from their family and now everyone’s reservations about Cam are starting to make sense.