Former sitcom Roseanne Bar’s joke riles social media

Five years after his eponymous sitcom was canceled after racist tweets, Roseanne Barr found herself trending on Twitter after more stunning statements — this time she appeared to deny that the Holocaust happened. Or did she?

“Nobody died in the Holocaust,” she’s said on a recent episode of This Past Weekend with Theo Von. “That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now ’cause they cause all the problems in the world, but it never happened.”

It seems that the controversial comedian, who is Jewish, is being sarcastic in the interview, as the comment came as she spoke about the First Amendment and what you can and can’t speculate about online.

“You can’t say that like, you know, the election was rigged or not rigged,” Roseanne, an avid supporter of Donald Trump, argued. “That’s all a lie. The election was not rigged. 36 counties can give you 81 million votes. That’s a fact.”

“That’s the truth,” she continued. “And don’t you dare say anything against it. You’ll be off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other ones because we have, you know, there’s such a thing as the truth and facts and we have to stick to it.”

Roseanne said the government has issued a “mandate” that allows people to only say certain things.

After Theo brought up Roseanne’s religion, he said, Jewish people “started Hollywood.”

“Just like rap, Black people started rap,” she responded. “So I went to go over there and tried to get in rap and go, ‘All these Black people, you know, go on Saturday Night Live like Dave Chappelle. I’m just saying a lot of Black people are in control of rap. Hello?’ Well, you went there. You tried to get in show business. Of course it’s Jewish. But you know, and people should be glad that it’s Jewish too, because if Jews were not controlling Hollywood, all you’d have was f****** fishing shows.”

In responding to the comments, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted, “Sarcasm or not, Roseanne Barr’s comments about Jews and the Holocaust are reprehensible and irresponsible. This isn’t funny. And shame on Theo Von for letting it go unchallenged and instead diving into conspiracy theories about Jews and Hollywood.”

As Roseanne’s name trended online, Theo weighed in to support the formerly “canceled” comedian.

“This Roseanne Barr clip was sarcasm folks,” he tweeted. “A clip taken out of a long sarcastic rant she had during our chat. Can we not recognize sarcasm anymore?”

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