Friends: 10 Most Memorable Christmas Quotes

Friends: 10 Most Memorable Christmas Quotes

The most memorable Friends Christmas quotes show why the sitcom is considered by so many to be essential holiday season viewing.
“Here’s To A Lousy Christmas, And A Crappy New Year!”
Ross & Rachel – Season 1, Episode 9
The six main characters in Friends — Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey, and Phoebe — always celebrated together, but it wasn’t always a jolly time. Most holidays, they were faced with unexpected situations, sometimes last-minute guests, and hilarious circumstances that brought them together around the infamous kitchen table and mismatched chairs of Monica’s home.

In this season 1 episode, each of the friends had special plans for Thanksgiving. However, thanks to Rachel’s infamous failed “choo choo choo” skiing, Ross and Monica’s canceled family plans, and Joey’s fake STD billboard, they all ended up back together at Monica’s instead — ultimately wishing for a “lousy” Christmas that may turn out good , as long as they spent it together.
“Welcome To Our Tropical Christmas Party. You Can Put Your Coats, Sweaters, Pants & Shirts In The Bedroom.”
Rachel – Season 2, Episode 9
Even attempts to have a nice Christmas party inevitably end up in chaos for the group in Friends, as this quote from season 2 shows. With the heat cranked up a notch too high, and Rachel and Monica unable to fix it, the apartment turns into “tropical hot” rather than “comfortably warm”. With textbook Rachel witty sarcasm, she ends up greeting their guests with these now legendary words, inviting everyone to basically strip to feel comfortable. The fun in this lies in how Rachel always finds a sarcastic way to describe less-than-ideal situations, turning them into funny moments instead.
“Happy Christmas Eve Eve!”
Phoebe – Season 2, Episode 9
Friends’ best holiday episodes bring out the Christmas feeling any time of the year. However, the closer to the holidays, the more the festive moments work, and Phoebe’s famous greeting in season 2, episode 9 is incredibly timely. In search for her father in “The One with Phoebe’s Dad,” a quote from Phoebe led to the creation of an unofficial pre-holiday holiday greeting. With her now well-known “Happy Christmas Eve Eve” wish, she allowed millions of Christmas enthusiasts to expand their holiday to the days before the actual celebration.
“One Day You’re Eating Turkey, The Next Thing You Know Your Lords Are A-Leaping And Geese Are A-Laying.”
Joey – Season 2, Episode 9
The holiday season can move by quite quickly, which is something Joey expresses in a surprisingly thoughtful way. Using reference to “12 Days of Christmas,” Joey remarks on the fast transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas with a line that feels more like something Chandler would usually say. It’s only natural that Chandler comes back with “That’s why geese are so relaxed this time of year” to balance Joey’s poetic moment with a laugh. The quote reminds viewers how well the friends know each other, which makes their back-and-forth jokes so seamless.
“I Am Against Innocent Trees Being Cut Down In Their Prime…”
Phoebe – Season 3, Episode 10, “The One Where Rachel Quits”
In “The One Where Rachel Quits,” Joey gets a job selling Christmas trees and Phoebe is appalled, thinking it is a crime against the trees and Joey is complicit in their massacre. Every fan is used to Phoebe’s quirks, and her love of all things nature is just one of those eccentricities that make her so lovable. Phoebe’s infamous protest against felling trees in their prime like they are some sort of teenagers blooming is hilarious while also showing the extremely big heart she had. This is even more memorable with her horrified face when the trees go through the chipper as if she is watching a grisly murder.
“It’s Like Night Of The Living Dead Christmas Trees.”
Chandler – Season 3, Episode 10
The group may constantly tease each other, but in the end, they’re always there for each other, no matter what. In the season 3 episode “The One Where Rachel Quites”, everyone stands by Phoebe after she witnesses the “tree massacre” and ends up buying all the old Christmas trees and setting them up as a surprise in Monica’s apartment.

The scene is very touching, as it speaks to the depth of the group’s friendship and how they never judge each other, no matter one’s logic or reason. Nevertheless, no scene goes without laughter and this one had Chandler dropping “it’s like night of the living dead… Christmas trees” to end the emotional moment with some humor.

“Having A Perfectly Decorated Tree Is Not What Christmas Is About. It’s About Being With The People That You Love.”
Monica – Season 6, Episode 10, “The One with the Routine”

In “The One with the Routine,” the opening scene shows Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel decorating Monica’s tree on one side in the most childish ways, while Monica works on the back. In a sweet moment, she tells her friends this bit of wisdom, which is true to some extent, as Monica ends up twisting the tree and hiding their work. But their decorating it together speaks to how much she loves her friends to move past her extreme control and allow them to pitch in.
“I’m The Holiday Armadillo! I’m A Friend Of Santa’s And He Sent Me Here To Wish You A Merry Christmas!”
Ross – Season 7, Episode 10
One of the greatest moments in Friends history is the scene where Ross shows up in the most unpredictable costume to celebrate Christmas with his son when all the usual Santa costumes were supposedly sold out. In true Friends hilarity, Ross appears dressed as a giant armadillo.

Laughs aside, the importance of this quote lies deeper in its revelations about Ross and Ben’s relationship, with Ross trying to build a closer relationship with his son and find a way to teach him about both Christmas and Hanukah, even if it means making a fool of himself in an off-topic costume.
“If Santa And The Holiday Armadillo Are Ever In The Same Room For Too Long, The Universe Will Implode! Merry Christmas!”
Chandler – Season 7, Episode 10
Though Ross is unable to get a Santa costume in time, Chandler calls in a favor and shows up as Saint Nick. Unfortunately, it only adds to the confusion. The fact that they are both in costumes, in the same room, trying to explain the unexplainable situation to Ben, only adds to the hilarious scene.

The absurd setting makes for even more laughs. It speaks to the sitcom’s usual funny moments, but also to the involvement of the entire group in Ben’s life, and their equal feeling of responsibility when it comes to experiencing life and occasions with him.
“But I Didn’t Get To Shake My Belly Like A Bowl Full Of Jelly!”
Chandler – Season 7, Episode 10
This episode certainly cements itself as a Christmas classic with so many notable quotes as the friends deal with their costume confusion. Chandler dressed as Santa has to return the costume on a deadline, but not before throwing in this hilarious line.

The poem is famous, of course, and the lyrics to “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” are well-known. However, Chandler gave the sentence a hilarious ring to it. Though Chandler isn’t the one who usually gets overly excited about the holidays, seeing him complain about not getting to embrace his role as Santa is surprisingly charming, and makes for one of the most memorable Christmas episode quotes in Friends.

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