Friends: 5 Best Rachel Green Quotes

Friends: 5 Best Rachel Green Quotes

Jennifer Anniston’s spoiled Rachel Green from the first episode of Friends grew into quite a woman — and we’ve compiled all her best quotes.
More than a decade after Friends (1994-2004) wrapped up with an emotional finale, the show remains iconic – and incredibly quotable. While plenty of the humor didn’t age well (or just doesn’t apply in the modern world), much of it is as relevant as ever, and fans still love to talk about what happened to Monica, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Ross, and of course, Rachel, after the cameras stopped rolling. Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston) has arguably the best arc on the show – starting out as a spoiled Daddy’s girl, she learns how to stand on her own two feet, and then how to pursue a career that she loves, deal with a surprise pregnancy , and even figure out her relationship with Ross.

Her best lines in the show are the ones where Rachel says exactly what the audience is thinking – or wishes that they could say! They show her wit, her self-awareness, and her kindness – although not always in equal measure! And while Jennifer Aniston’s film career has continued to soar since her time on the show, she is always going to be Rachel Green to Friends fans.
1 “Oh my God. I’ve become my father. I’ve been trying so hard not to become my mother, I didn’t see this coming.” (To Joey)
The One With Phoebe’s Cookies (Season 7, Episode 3)
When Joey ends up buying a boat at a charity auction, it’s Rachel who teaches him how to sail – or attempts to. However, in this episode, she finds herself shouting at him as she attempts to ‘teach’, until she makes him so miserable that he decides to quit trying. This makes her spit out ‘Greens don’t quit”, to which he responds “I’m a Tribbiani!”. She realized, in that moment, that she is teaching Joey the way her father taught her – and that she absolutely hated it.

The ways that the parents raise the gang is a big part of the show, and they all deal with their childhood issues over the years.

However, this one goes so much deeper – it’s a moment of realization for Rachel, but also one that sneaks up on many people. The ways that the parents raise the gang is a big part of the show, and they all deal with their childhood issues over the years. For Rachel, one of the big ones is figuring out that she might have more in common with her dad than she thought – and that’s not a good thing!
2 “I’m gonna go get one of those job things.” (To Monica)

The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate (Season 1, Episode 1)
Another great line from the pilot episode is when Rachel has decided to move in with Monica, and start getting her life in order – or figuring out if she wants to be a purse, or a hat. And of course, the first step in this is to find a job. Of course, her first day of looking doesn’t go well, as she realizes that she is qualified for nothing – but she doesn’t let that get her down.

While there are millions of “poor little rich girl” characters in film and television shows, Rachel Green feels very unique. She does have some trials and tribulations since she breaks up with her fiancé before the show begins, and since she works as a waitress and does struggle, fans don’t feel like she simply gets everything handed to her. Rachel could have simply said, “I need a job” or “I’m out of money.” Of course, that wouldn’t be funny, but it would definitely get the point across. The fact that she says “I’m gonna go get one of those job things” is perfect.
3 “Yes, I was four-years-old and I was on the swing and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain…” (To Ross)
The One With the Home Study (Season 10, Episode 7)
“And to get me out my mom had to — had to cut a big chunk of my hair. And it was uneven for weeks.”

When Rachel becomes a mother, she is often overprotective of Emma – but she is also an incredible mother who truly cares about her, and is able to recognize when she is being unreasonable (most of the time!). In this episode, she is struggling with the idea of Emma going to the park, which Ross finds ridiculous at first. However, Rachel explains that she has her own ‘traumatic’ experience there, and that’s why she finds it hard.

The best thing about this episode is that it shows Rachel continuing to grow, while also showing some of the spoiled side that remains – and it shows how Ross and Rachel have grown, becoming a real team, which is a big change from the early days of their relationship.

4 “How do we end up with these jerks? We’re good people.” (To Monica and Phoebe)
The One With the Candy Hearts (Season 1, Episode 14)
Although all three women get their Happily Ever After by the end of the show, in season one, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe are making their terrible dating choices on Valentine’s Day. After Rachel says this, Monica responds, “I don’t know. I think we’re some kind of magnets.” And Phoebe answered (in her classic Phoebe way), “I know I am. That’s why I can’t wear a digital watch.”

This episode is a fantastic look at the trials and tribulations of dating, especially as the women decide to burn their exes’ leftover memories… which starts a fire, and brings three very attractive firemen to the rescue! It seems as though this is a happy ending, when they all agree to go out for drinks after their shift, but as the firemen leave, it’s revealed that they all have wives or girlfriends. It’s a hilarious reminder that dating is never easy.
5 “He’s so pretty, I want to cry.”
The One With Rachel’s Assistant (Season 7, Episode 4)
When Rachel finally starts to build her career in the fashion industry, she reaches a point where she is able to hire an assistant… and of course, makes the responsible, reasonable choice based on qualifications. Or, in reality, chooses Tag, because he’s absolutely gorgeous. This is definitely not one of Rachel’s best decisions, especially when she follows it up by dating him, later on, even though that could sabotage her career.

However, this is one of those quotes that perfectly captures where Rachel is in her life. She may be building up an impressive career, but she’s also still a little lovestruck, gets crushes, and struggles to make the best decisions around men. And of course, no matter what, she cares about what people look like – it is part of her job, after all.

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