Gabriela’s Twist Realization Just Set Up Bode & Audrey’s Fire Country Season 3 Romance
Bode and Gabriela’s feelings for one another have always been at the center of Fire Country, but Gabriela’s twist realization in Fire Country season 3, episode 3 makes it possible for both of them to move on. If what Bode and Gabriela felt for one another in Fire Country season 1 motivated Bode to imagine a life outside prison, their feelings in season 2 only complicated things, as to overcome them, Gabriela willed herself into marrying Diego despite not being ready. Their heart-to-heart in Fire Country season 3, episode 3 finally clarified things, also highlighting a sad realization by Gabriela.
Gabriela and Bode being drawn to each other didn’t stop them from having romantic relationships with other people in Fire Country seasons 1 and 2. Indeed, Gabriela was dating Jake and Bode himself had a fling with Rebecca in Fire Country season 1, but what they felt for each other never subsided, to the point that Gabriela jumped from a bridge to save Bode’s life. However, Bode and Gabriela’s actions in Fire Country season 3, episode 2 actually made Gabriela realize how a relationship between them might be counterproductive, setting up Bode’s next captivating romance in Fire Country season 3.
Gabriela Prioritizing Herself Opens A Path For Audrey & Bode Romance In Fire Country
Realizing Their Recklessness Pattern Separates Bode & Gabriela
Bode’s reaction to Jake discovering what he and Gabriela had done to save Gilmore was particularly eye-opening for Gabriela. Indeed, while the mistake of not seeing that Gilmore was allergic to atropine was hers, it was Bode’s first instinct to cover it up, jumping in to protect her, not even letting Gabriela process how they could move forward before deciding that they had to hide the mistake. Bode’s revelation that he would do the same for Jake only emphasized his recklessness and his inability to view it as such, making Gabriela realize a major problem of them potentially dating.
Jake uncovering the truth behind the Gilmore ordeal made Gabriela realize how Bode’s recklessness brought out a similar attitude in her, making their dating too dangerous as Bode was trying to build a life outside prison.
Throughout Fire Country, Bode’s recklessness brought out a similar attitude in her. Only Jake uncovering the truth behind the Gilmore ordeal made Gabriela realize the same thing that motivated Manny’s Fire Country season 3 request to Sharon about Bode and Gabriela, that being together while Bode was trying to build a life outside prison was too dangerous for both of them. This finally caused the door to temporarily but certainly close on Bode and Gabriela being romantically linked, setting up Bode and Audrey’s romance because they connected and Bode wouldn’t keep his hopes up about Gabriela after her reasonable speech.
How Fire Country Season 3, Episode 3 Shows Bode Is Better Off With Audrey
Bode & Audrey Already Trust One Another After The Training Drill
Bode and Gabriela’s history makes Bode and Audrey’s romance perplexing, as their feelings for one another are still there. However, Gabriela and Bode’s talk at the end of Fire Country season 3, episode 3 explained clearly why feelings cannot be enough if they jeopardize their future. Contrarily, Bode and Audrey’s bond grew with ease in Fire Country season 3, episode 3, with the two not only opening up to one another but also having each other back, as Audrey’s decision to tell Jake the truth was the only reason why Bode was still part of the Cal Fire training program.
Audrey challenging Bode in Fire Country season 3, episode 2 proved she and Bode shared many qualities. Their similar past, having been in prison and become inmate firefighters and wanting to join Cal Fire with every fiber of their being showed how much Bode and Audrey could understand one another. The training drill and Jake’s sternness cemented Audrey and Bode’s bond, making it all the more likely for their romance to take off soon, especially after Gabriela decided to prioritize herself and close the door on being more than friends with Bode in Fire Country season 3.