‘Game of Thrones’: 10 Best Daenerys Targaryen Episodes, Ranked

Running for eight seasons from 2011-2019, Game of Thrones stood at the pinnacle of television’s glorious golden age. The show followed the warring families in Westeros and the Free Cities of Essos as they plot to claim the Iron Throne for themselves. One of the series’ most defining stories came in the form of Daenerys Targaryen’s (Emilia Clarke) efforts to summon an army across Essos and launch a campaign for the rule of Westeros on account of her being the late King Aemond’s daughter.

Starting the series living as a pawn under her malicious brother’s thumb, Daenerys soon grew to be a powerful leader in Essos, thanks to her three dragons and the undying loyalty of her followers, many of them slaves she emancipated. As one of the core characters of the series and one of the great icons of modern television, Daenerys plays a central role in many of Game of Thrones’s best episodes. And while choosing her finest hour might not be an easy task, some episodes are far more memorable for her character arc.

10.“Winter Is Coming” (2011)

Season 1, Episode 1

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) stands in a courtyard wearing a light summer dress.
Image via HBO

So often, the characters in any form of story that enthrall us the most are the ones who come from humble beginnings. While Daenerys started Game of Thrones as a princess, no one would have foreseen the epic journey she would embark on from the premiere episode “Winter is Coming.” Being little more than a pawn in her brother Viserys’ (Harry Lloyd) quest to claim the thrones, Daenerys is betrothed to the Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) in exchange for the loyalty of his army.

Beginning the series as a meek and helpless girl, it was easy for fans to sympathize with Daenerys as a gentle character lost amid a violent world and viewed as a bargaining chip by those closest to her. However, she did receive her three dragon eggs as a wedding present to hint at the empowering evolution she would undertake.

9.“The Bells” (2019)

Season 8, Episode 5

A dragon breathes fire on Kings Landing as people flee in 'Game of Thrones'
Image via HBO

Quite possibly the most polarizing entry in Game of Thrones, “The Bells” is one of the lowest-rated episodes of the series on IMDb largely because of how it saw Daenerys’ legacy resolved and, arguably, diminished. The episode is famous for Daenerys and Drogon’s attack on King’s Landing, where, even after the bells ring out to announce the city’s surrender, she proceeds with her onslaught, killing thousands of innocent civilians in the process.

Given what transpires, it can’t be denied that “The Bells” is one of the most significant episodes in Daenerys’ arc, but her villainous turn, which defied eight seasons worth of character development and adoring fanfare, felt unwarranted. As a result, “The Bells” will be spoken about for many years to come for how it ruined many fans’ favorite Game of Thrones character, seeing her complete her descent into villainy to succeed her father as the Mad Queen.

8.“The Queen’s Justice” (2017)

Season 7, Episode 3

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) meets with Jon Snow (Kit Harington) in the bleak halls of Dragonstone.
Image via HBO

With Daenerys finally launching her campaign to claim Westeros, the seventh season of Game of Thrones proved to be a significant one in the context of the Targaryen princess’ conquest. “The Queen’s Justice” marked an early milestone for both her and Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) as the fan-favorite duo finally met for the first time, albeit under intense circumstances.

With Jon and Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham) journeying to Dragonstone, Daenerys’ insistence that he bend the knee is met with refusal as Jon assures her the White Walkers demand more attention than the Iron Throne. While they struggled to reach an amicable solution, their meeting would prove to be fateful for both characters, while Daenerys’ accepting Jon’s wish to mine dragonglass on the island was a decisive show of goodwill.

7.“A Golden Crown” (2011)

Season 1, Episode 6

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) completes a pregnancy ritual in Vaes Dothrak, with blood smeared across her face.
Image via HBO

Daenerys underwent a complex and often disturbing evolution throughout the first season, and “A Golden Crown” presents a distinct moment in the context of her rise to power. In Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys retrieves one of her dragon eggs from a fire without getting burnt. Later, she wins over the support of Khal Drogo and his warriors by completing a ritual in which she eats a stallion’s heart raw, with her growing popularity prompting her brother’s ire.

A drunk Viserys threatens Daenerys at swordpoint, inspiring Khal Drogo to dispatch him for good by giving him the golden crown he so craves. “A Golden Crown” marks a vital progression for Daenerys as she is freed from her vicious brother’s oppression and begins realizing her own capabilities. Her dismissive remark after Viserys dies offers a glimpse at the hardened ruler she could become.

6.“The Spoils of War” (2017)

Season 7, Episode 4

Drogon burning Lannisters in Game of Thrones
Image via HBO

A highlight of the series’ capability to elevate the tension towards unbearable levels, “The Spoils of War” is famous for its epic climax. Following the assault on Highgarden, Daenerys rides Drogon into battle against the Lannisters on the Roseroad, accompanied by legions of the Dothraki. It’s an alarming display of the carnage Daenerys was capable of, one which had plenty of heart-stopping moments, such as when Bronn (Jerome Flynn) struck Drogon with an arrow and Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) charged at Daenerys while she saw to Drogon’s wound.

Additionally, the episode also saw Daenerys and Jon Snow grow closer even as Jon remained reluctant to pledge his fealty to her claim to the throne. “The Spoils of War” is a tumultuous and heart-pounding episode showcasing many characters. However, Daenerys steals the hour, making her first attack on Westeros and proving just how far she’s willing to go to win the game.

5.“The Dance of Dragons” (2015)

Season 5, Episode 9

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and her closest advisors stand surrounded in the fighting pits as the Sons of the Harpy launch an ambush.
Image via HBO

The penultimate episode of Game of Thrones’s lauded fifth season, “The Dance of Dragons” sees a rise of the show’s trademark intensity. Daenerys attends a tournament in the fighting pits of Meereen, a spectacle she disapproves of, but stomachs to make a good show for the people she is trying to win over. However, things take a dark turn when Jorah appears in the tourney before the Sons of the Harpy launch an ambush attack.

As the ruthless terrorist faction surrounds Daenerys and her allies, Drogon swoops into the rescue before Daenerys flees the arena on Drogon’s back. “The Dance of Dragons” marks the first time Daenerys rides one of her dragons and has come to be viewed as one of the series’ best episodes because of the nerve-wracking yet rewarding conclusion.

4.“Beyond the Wall” (2017)

Season 7, Episode 6

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) looks mortified as she rides Drogon north of the wall and sees the wights.
Image via HBO

As previously stated, season seven was arguably where Daenerys Targaryen was at her best and most pivotal to Game of Thrones, with the sixth episode, “Beyond the Wall,” showcasing her at her heroic best. It sees Jon lead a small party north of the wall to capture a wight to convince the houses of Westeros that the threat of the White Walkers is not only real but demands their immediate attention.

When the group finds themselves surrounded, all hope seems lost as wave after wave of the undead launches a relentless attack. However, having received word of their desperate situation, Daenerys swoops in with her dragons in a daring rescue. Her actions had consequences both good and bad, with her heroism finally convincing Jon Snow to bend the knee to her, but at the cost of her dragon Viserion, who was reanimated by the Night King in the episode’s final moments.

3.“Book of the Stranger” (2016)

Season 6, Episode 4

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) emerges from a blazing fire in a temple in Vaes Dothrak completely unharmed.
Image via HBO

While the season six finale famously ended with Daenerys sailing for Westeros to begin her conquest in earnest, it was the fourth episode, “Book of the Stranger,” which was her best and most pivotal for the season. Having met Jorah and Daario Naharis (Michiel Huseman) as they staged a rescue mission, she enlisted them to aid in her plan. A defiant Dany meets with the Dothraki khals, burning down their temple to kill them before walking out of the flames completely unharmed.

The action not only saw Daenerys dispatch of some of her more immediate enemies but also prompted everyone else in Vaes Dothrak to bow down before her. The episode sees the Targaryen princess bolster her already formidable army, giving her the numbers to conquer Westeros. “Book of the Stranger” also exemplifies Dany’s allure and command of the people and the devotion she inspired in them. Lastly, it re-affirms that, when her campaign ultimately begins, it won’t be dismissed quite so easily as Stannis Baratheon’s (Stephen Dillane) and even Robb Stark’s (Richard Madden).

2.“Fire and Blood” (2010)

Season 1, Episode 10

Daenerys Targaryen stands in the ruin of a burnt tent with a newborn baby dragon perched on her shoulder.
Image via HBO

While season one sees Daenerys undergo a dramatic shift, from a feeble and delicate woman to a rising queen, her evolution seemed to be undone when the finale came around. Learning that her unborn son was killed by a witch’s spell, which spared Khal Drogo’s life but left him in a catatonic state, and with many of his warriors deserting, Daenerys smothers her husband before burning his body with her three dragon eggs.

Despite Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen) believing that Daenerys intends to kill herself, the Targaryen princess assures what remains of her retinue that she will lead them to a glorious future should they choose to stay with her before walking into the inferno. Come dawn, as the fire fades, Jorah and the rest of her followers observe Daenerys emerge from the flames unharmed with the first dragon hatchlings in over 300 years. “Fire and Blood” is the Daenerys episode by excellence, the birth of the Mother of Dragons and her legend across Westeros and Essos. It was also the best way to end season 1, hinting at her dragons’ enlarged presence in future seasons.

1.“And Now His Watch Is Ended” (2013)

Season 3, Episode 4

Daenerys Targaryen standing in front of an explosion of fire in Game of Thrones
Image via HBO

Displaying Daenerys Targaryen at her absolute, iconic best, the fourth episode of season three has Emilia Clarke making television history with the utterance of just one word: “Dracarys.” Having negotiated with Kraznys mo Nakloz (Dan Hildebrand) to acquire the Unsullied in exchange for one of her dragons, Daenerys reveals that she has understood all the slights and insults that Kraznys cast her way throughout their dealings. She then commands the Unsullied to kill the masters before ordering Drogon to kill Kraznys and sack Astapor.

Aside from including one of the best storylines in Game of Thrones“And Now His Watch Is Ended” contains everything that defines Daenerys as such a brilliant character. Her cunning and decisive command leads her to liberate the slaves of the Free Cities, gaining a steadfast and loyal following in the process. Her defiant “Dracarys” remains one of the greatest moments not only in the series but in modern television entertainment at large.

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