Though it was a hugely popular series when it was on the air, the final season of Game of Thrones was divisive, to say the least. The main complaint with fans was that, after eight long seasons, the characters they loved didn’t get satisfying endings. While fans have to accept the ending of the show, the books could give more of what fans was hoped for.
George R.R. Martin has two more books left in his Song of Ice and Fire series, and he has confirmed that the ending will share similarities with the show while also having notable differences. Knowing what fans do from the two versions of the story, it can be predicted which characters from Game of Thrones will have different endings in the books and which will be the same.
Different: Barristan Selmy
Though he was regarded by other characters as the greatest swordsman in Westeros, Barristan Selmy didn’t have much of an impact when he was on the show. He started out as a noble yet inactive member of Robert’s kingsguard before joining Daenerys’s campaign and ultimately dying in Mereen at the hands of the Sons of the Harpy.
In the books, Selmy is not only a more interesting ally to Daenerys but has outlived his show counterpart. By the end of A Dance of Dragons, Daenerys has fled Mereen, several armies are surrounding the city, and Selmy is overseeing the throne. He seems destined to do some big things and likely die in a much more glorious way.
Same: Shireen
Shireen was one of the rare innocent characters in the show which made her death all the more unbearable. Hoping that a blood sacrifice would help to ensure his victory in the upcoming war, Stannis Baratheon agrees to have his daughter burned alive as she screams for him to help her.
As per Screen Crush, it has already been confirmed that Martin was the one who told the showrunners that this brutal twist was in store for Shireen. At this point in the books, Stannis is camped outside Winterfell with his army which likely means Shireen will be an early casualty in The Winds of Winter.
Different: Euron Greyjoy
Euron Greyjoy was one of the more divisive characters in the later seasons of the show. Some fans found him a funny and colorful side villain while others saw him as unnecessary and annoying. In any case, he made it to the penultimate episode before being killed by Jaime Lannister.
Some fans might be surprised to learn that Euron is one of the more terrifying villains in the book and far from the henchman he appears to be in the show. In fact, he is emerging as perhaps the biggest threat and will surely not go out in some random fight.
Same: Hodor
One of the most heartbreaking moments in the show was the revelation of Hodor’s origins as it led to his death. Hodor is left to hold back the army of undead creatures while Bran and the others escape, all the while the phrase “Hold the door” repeats in his head.
This is another death that Martin told the showrunners about and recently confirmed it will happen similarly in the books. He pointed out that the moment will not be so literal as Hodor holding a door, but that he will make a heroic stand in order to allow his friends to escape.
Different: Catelyn Stark
As if the death of Robb Stark at the Red Wedding wasn’t traumatic enough for audiences, the episode ended with Catelyn Stark having her throat cut as well. Catelyn was the loving and brave matriarch of the Stark family and seeing her go was another devastating blow.
Of course, book fans were under the impression that they would see Catelyn again as she is resurrected and becomes the vengeful Lady Stoneheart. As with any adaptations, some things from the source material are lost. So while Catelyn’s story on the show ends at the Red Wedding, she still has a part to play in the books.
Same: Bran Stark
One of the most bewildering aspects of the finale for most fans was Bran Stark being named King of the Seven Kingdoms. There had been speculation about all the potential characters who could sit on the Iron Throne but Bran was rarely a theory. As unexpected as it was, fans can bet Martin has the same plan.
The decision of who will sit on the Iron Throne seems like one that the showrunners would have consulted Martin about. However, while the show gave the lame excuse that Bran “has the best story” being the reason he is made king, the books will likely focus on his all-seeing power as the reason.
Different: Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister is a fan favorite of the show and Martin himself has said he is his own favorite character. However, the way the show has dealt with Tyrion’s arc feels much different from how the books will deal with it.
As of the latest book, Tyrion has yet to meet Daenerys. Fans can expect that he will follow the same path of joining her cause. However, the show doesn’t make Tyrion pay for his sins and mistakes very much as he ends the series with a nice position as Hand of the King. Fans can expect Martin to give Tyrion a much less happy ending in which he faces severe consequences.
Same: Arya Stark
In the books, Arya is still in training to become a deadly assassin. The show really embraced that side of her in the final season, making her the deadliest person in Westeros and the one who ultimately killed the Night King. When it is all over, Arya decides to explore the unexplored parts of the world, leaving Westeros behind.
This was one of the more satisfying endings on the show. Arya has gone through so much change in this story that she is not the same little girl fans once knew. When her story comes to an end, there’s probably nothing to keep her in Westeros and further adventures await her beyond.
Different: The Hound
One of the moments fans had been wanting since the first season of the show was the “Cleganebowl”. This was based on the theory that Sandor “The Hound” Clegane and his brother, Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane would face off in an epic fight before the story ends.
Fans got this in the show as The Hound and The Mountain have a fight to the death as King’s Landing burns. However, this is not the kind of fan service Martin seems interested in. Fans can expect The Hound’s story will end in a much quieter way, focusing on his redemption.
Same: Jaime Lannister
Jaime Lannister has had maybe the most significant arc in the entire series. He went from one of the most hated villains on the show to becoming one of the most popular heroes. But many fans were displeased by Jaime’s end as he abandoned Brienne to return to Cersei and die as the Red Keep collapsed on them.
Though he has gone through an even greater change in the book, it’s likely Jaime will eventually choose to be with Cersei. Many have pointed to a prophecy in the show hinting that Jamie will be the one who kills Cersei. This might be true, but it’s likely to be a mercy kill as they face death together.
Different: Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister was a villain who just loved to hate, but the show always managed to make her more complex than villains like Ramsay Bolton. The show ended on a sympathetic note from Cersei as she was afraid of dying and shared heartbreaking final moments with Jaime. It almost made fans forget about the terrible things she has done.
In the books, Cersei has yet to take the Iron Throne for herself. While fans are expecting that will happen, they don’t imagine she will keep it for long. Cersei in the books is unready becoming unraveled and her days may be numbered before Daenerys even arrives in Westeros.
Same: Daenerys Targaryen
Certainly, the most controversial end for a character was that of Daenerys Targaryen. As she sought to claim the Iron Throne, she turned mad and burned the city to the ground, killing countless innocent people. Ultimately, she was killed by Jon Snow.
As shocking as it was to see this turn, book fans were much less shocked. In the books, Daenerys’ darker side shines through more often. The turn will certainly feel less rushed than it was in the show and it will focus less on her being spurned by Jon Snow.
Different: Jorah Mormont
Jorah Mormont had a tough time on Game of Thrones. He has an unrequited love for Daenerys while serving her, was banished from her service, got grayscale, was painfully cured, only to be killed during the Battle of Winterfell.
While Jorah in the books has had a rough ride as well, he’ll likely be let off easier. Firstly, he is not the character who gets grayscale in the books which will save him a lot of pain. Also, the showrunners admitted that they considered letting him live and have him take on his father’s position on the Night’s Watch. That’s probably where his story will end in the books.
Same: Jon Snow
Jon Snow gradually became the show’s hero only to have a very disappointing final season. Jon was an inactive hero in the final season that he felt useless. When he finally does something and kills Daenerys, he is sent to the Wall. Last fans see of him, he is leading the Wildlings beyond the Wall to a new life.
Fans can bet that Jon will end up back at the Wall when the books come to an end as well. However, Martin will likely make it a more meaningful end. After finding out he comes from a royal bloodline and is the heir to the throne, Jon will likely realize that it was Ned Stark who raised him, and he has always belonged in the North.
Different: The Night King
After being built up as the ultimate threat facing the heroes, the Night King was dealt with rather easily. After his attack on Winterfell failed to kill many main characters, Arya is able to stab him with a Valyrian steel blade and end his reign of terror.
Thus far in the books, The Night King has not actually been featured, though there have been hints to his existence and potential backstory. Though Jon Snow was useless in the Battle of Winterfell in the show, it feels more likely he’ll be the hero to take down the Night King who will surely be a more complex villain.