While one couple broke up, another took a big step forward in Ghosts’ Season 3 finale. And that doesn’t even cover Pete, who found a new lady love (played by Upload’s Allegra Edwards) in St. Lucia!
Pete’s romantic rendezvous with ’80s ghost Donna was cut short, though, when the Troop leader started to disappear. Literally! The longer Pete was away, the more he started to fade into oblivion. Thankfully, he made it back to Woodstone in time before he went bye-bye for good. As he spoke about the incredible connection he shared with Donna, Isaac realized that something was missing in his relationship with Nigel and broke things off right before they were about to exchange wedding vows.
But Isaac has bigger things to worry about than just a jilted ex: As the episode came to a close, Patience, the Puritan ghost Isaac abandoned, returned to pull him into the dirt.
Elsewhere, Thor confessed that he didn’t want to be in a throuple, and he and Flower said “I love you” to each other, while Carol declared that she and Baxter were getting married.
Below, co-showrunners Joe Wiseman and Joe Port break down the finale’s big moments and tease what’s ahead in Season 4.
Your finales always leave off on this very dramatic note, lots of shock and surprise. What was the approach with this particular cliffhanger this season?
JOE WISEMAN | When we came up with the story of Patience in Episode 308, we pretty much immediately knew we would need to see Patience in the future. We all got excited about seeing her soon, and we started talking like, “OK, what would she do?” and it seems like she would be very, very upset at Isaac. So we just sort of worked into this idea that she finds her way to the house and wants to enact revenge. We thought it was just, like, a great visual of Isaac being grabbed from behind, and being pulled into the dirt was a great way to leave the season with a cliffhanger.
JOE PORT | When Alberta is trying to make Isaac feel better about his romantic prospects going forward late in the episode, she tells him that, “Maybe death has some surprises for you yet,” which we thought was also good foreshadowing for what was about to happen.
You reference Patience in a previous episode and then she looms in the shadows in this finale. Will we actually get to see her and meet her next season?
PORT | Yes.
TVLINE | Is there anything you can share about what she’s like besides being this ominous figure and what her mission is here?
PORT | As described, she’s a Puritan woman and she’s pissed off, to start, because she has an axe to grind, obviously, with Isaac, who she’s taken hostage now. That’s going to be the first order of business to open [Season 4] is, first of all, everyone has to find out that he’s missing, which they soon will, and then they have to get Isaac back.
TVLINE | Flower went missing in this season. How is this situation going to be different? How are you shaking it up with Isaac?
PORT | Well, it’s a little bit different. This year, we know who’s missing. Last year, the cliffhanger was, like, who is missing? No one knew that Flower actually did not get sucked off and was missing. We’re going to quickly know that Isaac is missing and who took him [and], immediately, be able to put the wheels in motion to try to get him back right away.
WISEMAN | It’s not going to be a repeat of them looking for him for weeks and weeks.