Season 4 of Ghosts premiered on CBS on Feb. 15, much to the delight of fans who have waited months to resolve the season 2 cliffhanger. While the resolution to that cliffhanger was a massive shock, there is apparently much more to come. Two of the show’s executive producers recently revealed what fans can expect in season 3. There are a few big reveals and surprises coming soon.
‘Ghosts’ fans will learn how another spirit died and what power one has
While Ghosts fans have learned a lot about their favorite spirits over the last two seasons, there are still some mysteries to solve. The show’s executive producers promise that at least two mysteries will be resolved in season 4. In a chat with Variety, Joe Port and Joe Wiseman said fans will learn how atleast one spirit died. They noted a new ghostly power will reveal itself, as well.
Rebecca Wisocky as Hetty in ‘Ghosts’ Hetty’s cause of death remains a mystery
So far, there are only two main ghosts left who have yet to explain how they ended up at Woodstone Mansion. The house matron, Hetty Woodstone, has yet to share how she passed on. Sasappis hasn’t spoken of his death either. Fans of the CBS sitcom have also seen several ghostly powers, like Trevor’s ability to touch objects, Thorfinn’s electrical energy, and Alberta’s ability to be heard by living people. They have yet to learn what powers Sassappis, Hetty, and Pete possess.
While there is a lot to learn about the remaining spirits of Woodstone Mansion, no one is ready to truly say goodbye to Flower, the ghost who was “sucked off” in the season 2 finale. Viewers might not have to.
While Port and Wiseman would not say whether the character will return, neither is willing to count her out. At the very least, it seems like Flower’s story hasn’t been told to completion just yet. The EPs mentioned that the story could take an “interesting turn” at some point during their chat with Variety. Exactly what that means is anyone’s guess.
Sheila Carrasco as Flower, Devan Chandler Long as Thorfinn and Asher Grodman as Trevor celebrate outside the manor in ‘Ghosts
Flower’s sudden departure from Woodstone Mansion caught viewers by surprise for several reasons. Viewers had spent months debating which, if any ghost, would head to the afterlife, and Flower’s name didn’t come up often. She didn’t seem to really “resolve” anything during season 2, which all the spirits argued was necessary for moving on. For that reason alone, some viewers feel confident she’ll be returning at some point in season 4. We’ll have to stay tuned to see.