Ghosts Reveals the Tragic Story Behind Hetty’s Death and Stages Flower Rescue Mission

Holes are bad, Thursday’s episode of Ghosts tells us, because spirits can’t climb up the sides. That doesn’t bode well for Flower, who’s stuck in a well. But Hetty also found herself in a hole of sorts, with no way out, while still alive.

In 1895, Hetty learns that her husband Elias has disappeared and all his legal troubles now fall on her shoulders. When the police come knocking, Hetty sequesters herself in the library, where they recently got one of the first phones in the area. In the present, she claims that she died of an accidental overdose (“I used to always say you could never have too much morphine, but apparently, that is not correct”) while celebrating Elias’ absence. The truth, however, is slowly unraveled as the gang realizes that Flower has not been “sucked off.”

Stephanie, the attic ghost, saunters downstairs and informs the others that her basement boy toy Ralph was the one who went into the light. Nancy admits that maybe she forgot to count him when doing a basement ghosts role call. After all, it’s dark down there and everyone’s wearing the same shapeless sack, she reasons. So if it was Ralph, that means Flower might still be out there, lost on the property, the group realizes. Thor says that Flower has spoken to him from the beyond during his walks, telling him, “I am well.” Except what if she was saying, “I am in a well,” Isaac suggests.

Everyone rushes to the well, where they find Flower, who explains that she fell after following a butterfly, naturally. Now, this is where things get complicated, because ghosts move through walls, so gripping the sides to climb out is impossible. Isaac, Sas and Thor recall the time they fell in a hole in 1895, along with a Puritan ghost named Patience, and were trapped for nearly a year. The men, ultimately, escaped by holding hands as they went through the dirt, but Isaac sneezed and let go of Patience, so she’s still potentially somewhere out there in the ground.

To make matters worse, Sam and Jay have left for the weekend, and while they’re gone, Mark is filling the well with cement. Trevor’s attempt to FaceTime the couple via Mark’s phone is unsuccessful. (Turns out ghosts don’t show up on FaceTime, leading Thor to exclaim that Sam try the new iOS update.)

As the group frantically scrambles to rescue Flower before the cement starts flowing, Hetty reveals a telephone cord wrapped around her neck underneath her dress collar. She lowers it into the well and the friends pull Flower safely out.

Ghosts How Hetty Died
Hetty later opens up to Sam and Isaac about how she thought she was protecting her son by giving him wealth with her death. And yet, he still turned out to be a murderer. As it turns out, she didn’t give him the one thing he truly needed: a mother’s love. But she saw no way out, she confesses, adding that her life was all about keeping up appearances, when in reality, she was very unhappy and didn’t know how to ask for help. She didn’t even know the phone dialed out.


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