Ghosts season 4’s newest non-spirit character can open Sam up to revisit a critical storyline that could use more depth. Ghosts season 1 introduced Sam’s mom, Sheryl, who was a spirit waiting to “get sucked off,” which is what the spirits call it when they pass on from their paranormal state and into a proper afterlife. When Ghosts introduced Sam’s mom in season 1, she was dismissive and judgmental. Despite that, in the same episode, Sheryl fixed her relationship with her daughter after coming full circle and taking complete accountability for how she made Sam feel and why.
The series had cast Dean Norris as Sam’s father in Ghosts season 4.
Ghosts revealed at San Diego Comic-Con that the series had cast Dean Norris as Sam’s father in Ghosts season 4. The casting continued Dean Norris’ sitcom streak and beckoned in exciting possibilities for Sam’s story with her mother to evolve (even after Sheryl has been sucked off.) The introduction of Sam’s dad can provide more context into the nature of Sam and Sheryl’s relationship. More insight into what Sheryl was like as a mom may justify why she was able to resolve things with her daughter so quickly.