Ghosts Season 4 Doesnt Need A Cliffhanger Ending

Although the breakup in “Isaac’s Wedding” was well handled, Ghosts season 3 didn’t need a cliffhanger ending after the event. Cliffhanger endings are designed to keep viewers coming back, but they’re unnecessary in a series that is usually an episodic sitcom rather than a serialized show.

Ghosts does have longer character arcs, like Nigel and Isaac’s relationship, but it isn’t primarily concerned with dramatic events. Ghosts is usually a light-hearted comedy, so sudden dramatic stings can feel like a cheap ploy in this context. Moreover, the success of Ghosts proves these measures are wholly unnecessary.

Unlike a lot of sitcoms, Ghosts has grown progressively more popular since the show began. The pilot earned 5.52 million viewers back in 2021, whereas “Isaac’s Wedding” commanded an audience of 5.95 million.

The first episode of Ghosts season 3 fared even better with 7 million viewers. It is clear that the series is popular, so Ghosts doesn’t need cheap cliffhanger endings to keep viewers coming back for more. What makes this frustrating is the fact that the show’s original inspiration, the BBC series, was less invested in this strategy. In its five seasons, BBC’s Ghosts only featured one cliffhanger.

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