Ghosts Season 4, Episode 14’s Version of Hamilton Is Unflattering

One of the main appeals of Hamilton was the way that Miranda’s play re-imagined the Founding Fathers as fast-talking rappers, far from the sedate, solemn figures they are usually depicted as. However, as the title implies, “Alexander Hamilton and the Ruffle Kerfuffle” took a totally different approach to subverting viewer expectations. Ghosts season 4’s story turned the Founding Fathers into a group of bitchy gossips who were more concerned with each other’s fashion choices than life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Miranda’s take on Hamilton was equally unexpected, but a lot more dramatic. In contrast, Ghosts season 4’s Alexander Hamilton was hilariously petty, and Faxon turned the historical figure into a clique-ish bully who was nothing like Miranda’s famous firebrand. Ghosts season 4’s Hamilton was a cartoonishly unflattering caricature because the episode’s story was told by Isaac, so it would have made no sense for him to be played by an acclaimed playwright notable for their verbal dexterity and spirited delivery.

Nat Faxon’s Version Of Hamilton Was Actually Perfect For Ghosts Season 4
Since Ghosts made the real-life political figure as petty as Isaac, “Alexander Hamilton and the Ruffle Kerfuffle” was right to cast Faxon as Hamilton. The Conners actor nailed the silly tone of the series while still ensuring that Isaac’s childish rivalry with Hamilton carried some pathos. After Ghosts mocked The Bear for being classified as a comedy despite its frequent injections of drama, it would have been a bit hypocritical for the sitcom to cast a dramatic actor in such a goofy role.
Despite some moments of levity throughout the musical, Miranda’s version of Hamilton is an inherently self-serious figure. The play wouldn’t work if his character wasn’t taken seriously, since “The Founding Fathers, but they rap” is a premise that could become very silly, very quickly, if the show didn’t strike the right tonal balance. As such, it makes perfect sense that Ghosts season 4’s Alexander Hamilton was played by a comedic actor rather than Ambudkar’s famous collaborator.

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