Gordon Ramsay came to a beautiful Welsh seaside village and made the most disgusting pizza you’ll ever see

Gordon Ramsay came to Wales to enjoy the sunshine and made something rather unusual which divided opinion – a full English breakfast pizza. The TV chef made the creation in Portmeirion using a mobile pizza unit belonging to Cardiff-based Pizza Boys who have appeared on their own BBC series.

Describing the location, Ramsay said: “I promise you we are not on the Amalfi Coast. Welcome to Portmeirion on the north west of the beautiful Wales. Take a look at this place – it’s absolutely stunning”.

He then proceeded to create “something new, something exciting, something for breakfast” and went about using all the ingredients you would normally find in a ‘full English’. In a seven-minute video, Ramsay says “who doesn’t love baked beans?” as he adds spoonfuls into his unique mix which includes a Bloody Mary base.

He also uses pancetta, mushrooms and, of course, cheese. Other ingredients include eggs, Welsh sausage, and Welsh black pudding. He then adds salt before placing it all in the pizza oven. “This is where we say a little prayer,” he said.

Ramsay making the unusual pizza.... -Credit:Gordon Ramsay/Facebook
Ramsay making the unusual pizza…. 
....which included baked beans -Credit:Gordon Ramsay/Facebook
….which included baked beans 

Once the pizza is done, Ramsay removes it from the oven to applause. He then cuts it into slices before saying “I’m still not sure about baked beans on a pizza!” Trying it for himself, he says “that cheese is delicious” and adds “that’s good – I like the Bloody Mary and I love the Welsh black pudding; I think we’re onto something here.”

Posting the video on Facebook, Ramsay said: “I have attempted to cook many things before: bugs, wagyu, Steve-O’s hot sauce…but this may be my toughest challenge yet! In Wales, I’m attempting to turn the English staple into an edible pizza. Hopefully, Italy doesn’t get mad.”

It’s fair to say that reaction to the pizza was mixed, with one person reacting to the video by saying “you lost me at ‘who doesn’t like beans?!’” Another poster agreed, writing: “You lost me with the beans bro.” Others were more complimentary, saying that the pizza “looks delicious”, “amazing”, and “yummy”.

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