Gordon Ramsay: “I won’t give my children a euro. They have to make it on their own.”

Gordon Ramsay believes it is right for children to make their own way in life without shortcuts. “I won’t leave them my money; they have to take care of themselves.”

Gordon Ramsay has a wealth of 181 million pounds, according to the Celebrity Net Worth website. So, his children can sleep soundly. Or can they? The answer must be sought in the chef’s recent statements that his beloved offspring will not see a penny. The decision was not made with punitive intent; simply, Gordon Ramsay believes it is only fair that his kids make their own way in life without taking shortcuts.

“My children will not inherit my money, but I don’t want to wrong them. On the contrary, I want to avoid ruining them. After all, money has never been of great importance to me.” The chef says that the education of his children is important to him, and it is essential that the children learn the value of their surroundings as soon as possible.

Even when it comes to pocket money, the chef holds firm. His daughter Meg, who attends college, is allowed £100 a week for her extracurricular expenses, while the other younger children only get a sum of £50 a week, which must also cover bus tickets. “The sooner you teach, the younger generation to save money to buy sneakers or jeans, the better.” Even on vacation, Ramsay’s principles do not change; while the chef flies first class accompanied by his wife Tana, the children must make do with the economy. “I tell the stewardess not to let them near us because I want to sleep peacefully on the plane.”

And as for the vegetarian diet, the chef does not have a more conciliatory attitude. “If one of my children were to reveal to me that he no longer wanted to eat meat and fish, I would electrocute him.” However, even though Gordon Ramsay is one of the most “outspoken” characters on national television, swearing is banned at home. It’s all very well to have the desire to raise your children in a way that makes them responsible and judicious, but perhaps the multimillionaire chef might relent on a few points.

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