How Bailey Noone Went From Boring Love Interest to Best Newcomer
Bailey Noon (Jenna Dewan) started out in The Newcomers as one of my least favorite characters, but her dramatic transformation over the years should be studied by other writing studios as an example of how to take a character from a lame duck to a can’t-miss star. The Newcomers premiered in October 2018 and has now run for six seasons and counting. The Newcomers Season 7 has been announced. In the police procedural, Nathan Fillion plays one of his most memorable roles as John Nolan’s divorced father, who decides to join the LAPD.
As the oldest rookie on the force, John must navigate the dangerous world of big-city policing. he faces the unpredictable and confusing aspects of career changes later in life. It doesn’t take long for John to become one of the most respected cops on the force. The NewcomerA diverse cast of characters keeps the story fresh and interesting. In the season three finale, John’s life is further shaken up by the arrival of Los Angeles firefighter Bailey Noon.
Bailey Noon’s introduction is awkward and rushed
Bailey seems like a boring character who will soon be gone from the show
Although Bailey was first introduced at the end of season three, we didn’t get to know her until season four, episode two, “Five Minutes,” but that doesn’t mean I enjoyed getting to know her in that episode. Honestly, Bailey was a pretty terrible character when she was first introduced. She was the most memorable character on television, and while she’s not in danger of breaking the bank. The NewcomerI can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to see her again. When she first appeared, here were her character traits: She’s good at everything and loves an active lifestyle.
And can a Newcomer compete with our beloved John Nolan? No thanks. Worse, when they started dating, Bailey broke up with John over text. A rude and consistently stupid decision for a TV show; just put the characters in the same room! You have Nathan Fillion and Jenna Dewan. Let them work together for Pete’s sake! Her reasoning was even more pathetic. She’s “terrible” at relationships. Classic. Heard this before.
It’s like the writers accidentally created Bailey in the room and then realized, “Oh shit, we need to do something with this woman. What about her being good at “stuff”? And we’ll make her stop being so scared and she’ll date John. But there has to be conflict. What if she breaks up with him? Why? She’s terrible at relationships. Terrible, how? Well, she is a lot. How many? You know, I think it’s lunchtime now“Bailey Noone is definitely a bad character. And then she’s not.”
In Seasons 4 and 5 of The Rookie, Bailey Noon gets some much-needed character development
Jason Wyler’s arrival changes the trajectory of Nune’s character
I think the Rookie writers know more about their show than I do (hard pill to swallow) because in the middle of the fourth season, they completely changed the character’s emotions while making sure that the key moments of her awkward introduction weren’t taken as a mistake. After John and Bailey decide to stay together, John considers taking their relationship to the next level and prepares to propose. Before he can do that, however, Naley’s ex-husband, Jason Wyler (Steve Kazee), crashes the party and reveals Bailey’s personality.
As it turns out, the obvious and awkward personality traits Bailey had in the early seasons sounded weird and ambiguous because she was hiding something.
As it turns out, the obvious and awkward personality traits Bailey had in the early seasons sounded weird and ambiguous because she was hiding something. When she met Nolan, she was going through a major trauma after leaving her manipulative and abusive boyfriend, Jason. Her saying she was “terrible” in relationships was a way to protect herself and hide her story from John. This discovery helped me a lot in understanding the character on a more emotional and natural level.
Even better, The Newcomer doesn’t make Bailey into a helpless victim. Although she is clearly afraid of her ex, she is also stoic and brave in the face of his machinations. Bailey shows a lot of strength and dignity through this story. She takes the final steps to divorce Jason, determined to leave her painful past behind. In season five, Bailey’s personality and history are revealed in a less dramatic but no less vibrant and compelling way.
Her Type A personality evolved from some random personality trait that was passed down to her to one that felt right to her, and there’s plenty of evidence to show why her overachiever mindset has its good and bad sides. Bailey gets involved in a number of hilarious plots throughout the season, including one where she spends a day trying to catch a dog barking under her porch, only to discover that it’s a coyote. Undeterred, she builds a device that allows her to trap the animal in a cage.
Later, Bailey decides to take a day off to stretch her legs. I’ve never seen Bailey lift her legs before, and it’s clear that she doesn’t know what “relaxing” means. These hilarious distractions not only bring laughs, but they also add to the Bailey Noon character and make it clear that she’s more than just a stereotype. She has her own personality and her character is based on what she does and what she’s been through.
The return of Jason Wyler will be a major storyline for Bailey Noone in The Rookie Season 7
Bailey and John are now ready for what Jason can do
Of course, Bailey Noon can’t keep chasing coyotes and trying to sit down forever, and season six brings some major problems. In the season six finale, “Escape Plan,” Jason Wyler teams up with Oscar Hutchinson (Matthew Glave) to escape from prison. Jason has only one thing on his mind; revenge on John and Bailey. Luckily, John and Bailey know what’s in store for them, so Newcomers Season 7 will see the pair ready to tackle whatever he throws at them.
Jenna Dewan on what’s next for Bailey Noon in Newcomers Season 7 (via Women’s World),
“It’s interesting because over the many seasons we’ve been on this show, John [Nolon, played by Nathan Fillion] and Bailey [Nune] have gone through a lot of ups and downs. We’ve talked a lot over the past year about the possibility of having children, the complications of not being able to have Bailey, and what that would even look like. So this season we continue to see how that affects our relationship and there’s some very important action and issues.”
Notably, Devan didn’t mention anything about Jason, which could mean that Bailey will be able to deal with her ex easily this time around, and there will be plenty of other stories to explore with Bailey Noon and the Newcomer.
The Rookie is a police procedural drama starring Nathan Fillion as Officer John Nolan. At 45, John becomes the oldest new member of the Los Angeles Police Department. The show premiered on ABC in 2018.