How FBI’s 100th Episode Leads Into Season 6

For years, CBS aired NCIS at 8:00 on Tuesday evenings, but now Dick Wolf’s original FBI series occupies that time slot. Over its first five seasons, FBI has gained quite the following and has been one of CBS’ best performers. According to Nielson, it even surpasses NCIS‘ viewership numbers. As a testament to its success, FBI just crossed a major milestone. Its recently aired Season 5 finale was the series’ 100th episode, which is an accomplishment for any series.

Titled, “God Complex,” the 100th episode followed the team as they hunted down a twisted, religiously motivated serial killer. Meanwhile, Agent Scola had to make a difficult decision that could have affected his life forever. Here’s what happened in the episode and how it affected the series’ ensemble cast going into Season 6.

How ‘God Complex’ Could Affect Agent Scola

A pregnant Nina Chase almost faints on FBI

“God Complex” opened with a man abducting and killing a renowned surgeon, and it wasn’t long before he did the same thing to a decorated combat soldier. He tried to strike a third time, but the team was able to find the victim before he killed her. Shortly after, they thwarted his fourth attempt to kill someone. That time, it was a respected judge. Based on his targets and history, the psychoanalysts determined that the killer had a god complex and believed that only he should be making life-and-death decisions. Luckily, the team was able to stop the man before he could strike again, but not before he nearly killed Maggie.

Being held at knifepoint wasn’t a fun experience for Maggie, but it was far from the worst thing that she had experienced lately. Instead, the real driving force behind the episode had nothing to do with the case. It was about Nina and Scola’s baby. Midway through the episode, Scola was called to the hospital, where doctors were inducing labor. The problem was that he had to tell the doctors whether Nina or the baby would take precedence in the event of an emergency. Thus, Scola found himself making a life-and-death decision, just like the killer from the case. It was a harrowing choice, but in the end, it didn’t matter because Nina and the baby came out fine.

Facing such a decision is likely to affect Scola. Earlier in the episode, he specifically said that he wasn’t religious, but as he was telling the doctor his priorities, he said that he was “praying” that Nina and the baby would both be okay. Maybe that was just a figure of speech, or maybe Scola will have an awakening next season after seeing Nina dodge several bullets, literally and metaphorically. And FBI hasn’t been shy about depicting various faiths.

FBI’s Important Character Developments for Season 6

Maggie Bell and OA wearing FBI jackets at a crime scene - FBI

The rest of the episode didn’t have any unexpected deaths or cliffhangers. So, there’s not much to go on for Season 6, but there are some character developments to keep an eye on. After returning in Season 5, Maggie’s most prominent storyline saw her helping her sister out of a jam. She was finally drug-free, but based on a pattern of lies, Maggie wouldn’t believe her. Their relationship needs to actually grow in Season 6 so that Maggie won’t just be focused on her sister’s drug history. Like Maggie, Tiffany’s most recent storyline involved a sibling. Her brother was having mental health issues and was nearly arrested before Tiffany intervened. There needs to be a follow-up on their relationship in Season 6.FBI' Recap Season 5 Finale: Scola Must Choose Nina or Their Baby

OA had a busy Season 5. He was mugged, nearly lost his money in cryptocurrency, and started to question his Muslim faith. His faith is one of his defining character aspects, so seeing how he addresses that in Season 6 could be important. Meanwhile, Isobel didn’t have a lot happen in Season 5, but Jubal did. He went overseas, got caught in a bank robbery and started drinking again. Luckily, he went back to AA, but it will be important to monitor whether he can stay on the straight and narrow when Season 6 starts.

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