In an interview with TVLine, CBS’s Ghosts showrunner Joe Port admitted he was unsure about a potential crossover with the British version of the show. Port said that Allison and Mike meeting Sam and Jay felt “Too similar, or something,” and he’s not wrong. Especially when Ghosts season 4’s Jay twist promises to let Sam’s partner also see the show’s ghosts, it would be very strange for Sam and Jay to meet a couple from across the Atlantic who lived through the same specific, surreal circumstances as them. However, the Australian and German remakes could help here.
Ghosts season 4 premieres on CBS on Thursday, October 17, 2024.
Allison and Mike meeting Sam and Jay could be too silly to be believable, but all four versions of Ghosts’ main characters meeting each other would be absurd enough to work. Two women who both inherited houses and gained the ability to speak to the dead via a near-death experience is unlikely, but four women from different countries who all experienced this and then happened to cross paths by pure coincidence is comically surreal. This setup would allow all four versions of Ghosts to poke fun at their over-the-top shared premise.