I Don’t Want Game Of Thrones Season 9 To Resurrect Daenerys Targaryen, But I Do Need These 6 Questions About Her Answered If It Happens

If HBO decided to make Game of Thrones season 9, the matter of Daenerys Targaryen would be unavoidable. Daenerys may have died in Game of Thrones’ ending, but Emilia Clarke’s character continues to live on in the show’s legacy in a myriad of ways, even six years later. She remains one of its defining (and best) characters, while perhaps the single biggest point of criticism regarding the final episodes focuses on her “Mad Queen” turn.

As HBO’s franchise expands, multiple Game of Thrones spinoffs are centering on House Targaryen, itself a by-product of her influence and legacy. Whether that future could, eventually, include Game of Thrones season 9 is another matter. The network has so far refrained from any sequels or continuations, though a Jon Snow spinoff with Kit Harington was explored. I don’t necessarily think it’s super likely, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if it did happen, given how big it would be. And if HBO were to make it, then it would absolutely need to address Dany in several ways.

6. What Happened To Daenerys’ Body?

Drogon Took Her Away, But Was She Resurrected?

After Jon Snow kills Daenerys, Drogon picks up his mother’s body and flies away from King’s Landing, last seen heading East. As confirmed by the Game of Thrones season 8 finale commentary, Drogon took Daenerys to Volantis, but exactly what happened to her remains a major mystery, and allows for big theories about her potential return.

One of the most popular theories is that Daenerys could be resurrected by Kinvara or another Red Priestess, who believe in her as the Prince That was Promised and would find it unjust that the person they supported had been murdered so early. Resurrections play a big part in Game of Thrones, so we know it’s plausible and there is motivation, though I’d rather Dany stay dead. That way, it can still have an impact, and avoids too many resurrections in the story.

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It’s quite possible that her body was burned by Drogon, as this is a Targaryen funeral custom.

If Dany wasn’t resurrected, then what happened to her? It’s quite possible that her body was burned by Drogon, as this is a Targaryen funeral custom. Game of Thrones season 9 could even show this, as a means to put an end to any speculation about Daenerys and her possible return, which would otherwise hang over everything.

5. What Does Bran Want With Drogon?

The New King Was Very Interested In The Dragon

With Drogon last seen flying towards Essos, newly-elected King Bran Stark is keeping tabs on the last-remaining dragon. Leaving his small council to matters of ruling and rebuilding the “Six” Kingdoms of Westeros, the Three-Eyed Raven goes off to continue searching for Daenerys’ dragon, but it’s unclear exactly what his endgame is.

Bran is a powerful warg, and it’s unknown if that could extend to taking control of a dragon.

Is he simply keeping a wary eye on a creature who is capable of destroying Westeros? It’s not a terrible idea, to be fair, but it’s also plausible there’s more to it. Bran is a powerful warg, and it’s unknown if that could extend to taking control of a dragon.

It’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility that the king would have a greater desire to have Drogon on his side – especially with a theory that Bran could be a villain. Given Bran’s last scene in Game of Thrones season 8 was about Drogon, it’d be weird if season 9 didn’t further explain it and at least settle the matter of his whereabouts.

4. Does Drogon Ever Take A New Rider After Daenerys?

It’s Not Completely Out Of The Question

Dragons are complex creatures, and much of how and why they bond with humans is unknown, which also makes it possible that Drogon took on another rider after Daenerys’ death. While he had a stronger connection to her than most bonds, because she was the Mother of Dragons, it’s not uncommon for dragons to take new riders: indeed, some of the greatest and most powerful in Westeros history, such as Balerion, Vhagar, and Vermithor, all had more than one rider.

Some of the best stories from House Targaryen’s history involve bonding with dragons, and it’s not even necessarily limited to Targaryens.

Some of the best stories from House Targaryen’s history involve bonding with dragons, and it’s not even necessarily limited to Targaryens. The generally believed idea is that one needs some Valyrian blood in order to do so, which wouldn’t be difficult to find in Essos, but that’s also not confirmed.

House of the Dragon has seemingly cut Nettles, the dragonrider who tests the idea that only Targaryen descendants can ride dragons, and she may not be Valyrian at all. A young bastard girl bonding with a powerful dragon is a great story… so if HOTD isn’t going to do it, maybe Game of Thrones season 9 could put its own twist on the idea. This would allow a new dragonrider to rise, and give Bran’s own search for Drogon a clearer payoff, even if the dragon doesn’t return to Westeros.

3. Does Daario Naharis Learn About Daenerys’ Death?

Would He Just Sit In Meereen & Accept It Happened?

What happened to Daario Naharis after Game of Thrones season 6 is never explained in the show. Daenerys left her lover behind in Meereen, because she knew she’d have to find a new husband in Westeros and make a political match, something that would be less likely to work with Daario in the mix. He was also given the responsibility of keeping the hard-fought peace in Meereen, itself no easy task without the presence of dragons.

Presumably, word of the dragon queen’s death would eventually reach Meereen and, thus, Daario. But how would he react? He loved Daenerys and so would be devastated by the news, but is that where it would end? Daario was a warrior first and foremost, a skilled swordsman who captained sellsword group the Second Sons. Would he accept Dany’s death, or would he want to attempt to sail for Westeros and find revenge on the people who’d killed her? Given season 9 would need new conflicts, that could be one way to introduce a new threat.

2. How Does Jon Snow Reflect Upon Killing Daenerys?

The Canceled Jon Snow Spinoff Could’ve Shown This

While we saw Jon kill Daenerys and receive his ostensible punishment for doing so, there wasn’t a huge amount of insight into his feelings after the fact, and that’s something I’d like to see more of. When the potential Jon Snow sequel show was mooted, the most exciting aspect of the show, for me, was being more introspective about Jon’s character and examining the lingering guilt and trauma from his experiences, including his murder of Dany.

Jon would need to be part of Game of Thrones season 9 in some way, and his arc would have to include at least some interrogation of that decisive final act. Does he regret doing it? Does he loathe himself? Does he consider himself Queenslayer, and view himself like he once saw Jaime Lannister? Has he made peace with what he did, knowing it was done for the greater good of the realm and to save his family? If we do see Jon again, that’s what I’d most want his story to address.

1. What Is Daenerys Targaryen’s Legacy?

Is She Now The “Mad Queen” & Nothing Else?

One thing I’d like to see in Game of Thrones season 9 is a reckoning with Daenerys’ legacy, because it ought to be complicated… but probably isn’t. Daenerys’ final act, burning King’s Landing to the ground, is likely (and understandably) what she’ll be remembered for; she may well be given the in-universe moniker the Mad Queen, to go with her father being the Mad King.

Daenerys’ acts were atrocious and irredeemable, but it’d be interesting to see whether that’s all that is discussed about her, even by characters such as Tyrion, who knew her longer. Would he (and it would have to be him, given how little anyone else knew her) try and remember any of the good, or is Dany condemned to solely be remembered as a villain? Is that legacy, and his part in it, something he would wrestle with, either internally or externally? That could be good for his own arc, if Game of Thrones season 9 ever happens.

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