I Know Exactly How Tracker Season 2 Can Survive Its Major Character Departure

I Know Exactly How Tracker Season 2 Can Survive Its Major Character Departure

I know precisely how Tracker season 2 can survive the departure of a central character. Although the show primarily follows Justin Hartley’s Colter Shaw, a self-proclaimed “rewardist” who finds missing persons for reward money, a crucial element in Colter’s success is his ragtag skeleton team. Included in Colter’s team in Tracker are the likes of Robin Weigert and Abby McEnany as Colter’s handlers, Teddi and Velma Bruin, and Eric Graise as Colter’s technical dynamo, Bobby Exley. While Colter’s team is vital to his operation, its members didn’t have many development opportunities – something the show now has the chance to fix.

Aside from Colter himself, legal expert Reenie Green (Fiona Rene) was perhaps the cast of Tracker‘s most compelling personality. Rene aside, Colter’s Tracker season 1 team lacked strong characterization. Now, ahead of Tracker season 2, I believe the series has a significant opportunity to redeem that. Tracker was the most-watched show on television in the 2023-2024 cycle, but one dynamic held it back when it could have propelled the series further forward. The dynamic is in flux due to a fundamental character departure ahead of season 2. If handled correctly, the departure could help Tracker achieve further success.

Tracker Season 2 Should End Velma And Teddi’s Marriage
Tracker Season 2’s Departure Could Revamp A Frustrating Narrative

Tracker season 2 lost its first cast member, a significant development for Justin Hartley’s series ahead of the fall 2024-2025 TV cycle. The series announced that Robin Weigert will not return as Teddi Bruin. I wasn’t necessarily surprised by the development. There will be changes in Tracker season 2 that challenge the show’s successful freshman season. I wasn’t too worried about the announcement because Tracker could survive without the Teddi Bruin character. Logistically, as one of Colter’s handlers, the role is simple to replace. However, there’s a significant catch.

[Robin] Weigert’s exit means Tracker must justify the relationship to suit the circumstances.

Robin Weigert’s character is married to Colter’s other handler, Abby McEnany’s Velma Bruin, who plans to stay. Weigert’s exit means Tracker must justify the relationship to suit the circumstances. If Weigert’s absence is permanent, the characters should break up. While Velma and Teddi had a picture-perfect relationship in Tracker season 1, it was often so staged that it distracted the narrative without adding complexity. Velma and Teddi’s communication as a couple fell into sitcom tropes that felt more cringe-worthy than comedic. A breakup would add some much-needed character development and make Tracker‘s supporting cast more than two-dimensional narrative supplements.

Teddi’s Tracker Season 2 Absence Could Actually Improve The Series
A Conflict Between Teddi And Velma Would Make The Latter More Relatable In Season 2

Velma and Teddi gave glimpses into their near-perfect marriage in season 1, making their voluntary separation in Tracker season 2 seem unlikely. Still, the writers could opt to break Velma and Teddi up to address that their relationship didn’t really click in season 1. I understand that killing Teddi off from the series may be attractive, suiting the show’s action/drama premise. That said, Teddi and Velma breaking up is the best way to navigate Weigert’s departure. The characters didn’t experience much conflict. When they did, it felt like a caricature. Their breakup would allow Velma to evolve.

One of the cutest moments between the characters was when Teddi surprised Velma with a puppy she wanted. Still, the characters needed more space to develop.

Tracker season 2 has fresh possibilities to make Velma a more authentic character. It could be that Velma and Teddi’s relationship was too comfortable and that one of them would leave in search of something more. While it will be sad for the cast to lose Deadwood‘s Calamity Jane, the Velma Bruin character is a persona that can stand independently. It’s been teased that Velma will interact more with Reenie Green in Tracker season 2, and it will be a thrilling development to watch the character grow outside the box she was written into in season 1. This, in turn, could set an exciting premise for the whole supporting cast.

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