I Need ‘Ghosts’ To Explore More of This Romance ASAP

The hit CBS sitcom, Ghosts, has featured several romances over its four seasons. Of course, at the center of the series is Sam (Rose McIver) and Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar). Their sweet connection helps ground the show and provides much of the humor since Jay can’t actually see the spirits that reside at Woodstone.

And there have been a few ill-fated love matches throughout the seasons, such as Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) and Nigel (John Hartman), who weren’t able to actually make it down the aisle, and Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) and Trevor (Asher Grodman), which just turned out to be a brief fling. But, in my opinion, there is one partnership that hasn’t been explored nearly enough in the series.

In my ideal world, Ghosts would start to dig deep into the status of Thor and Flower’s love. Perhaps they finally convince Pete (Richie Moriarty) to become their third, like Flower is always hinting at. Or maybe a new ghost stops by the restaurant who could make either Flower or Thor jealous. I’m just spit-balling here, but what if there is a major conflict that ends up forcing the two apart briefly? They would need to work through their issues and come back together, but it would make for an intriguing storyline in the meantime. At this point, I think Thor is becoming one of the sadder characters in the series, so even if there’s a little strife in their relationship short-term, it would be compelling to have them come out on the other side a stronger couple (and with Thor truly finding happiness).

Really, it all boils down to the fact that I don’t understand the point of having two ghosts coupled up if there’s never much insight into how they’re actually doing. A throwaway line here and there doesn’t sate my interest. More scenes diving into where Thor and Flower find themselves currently in their relationship would provide the series with some much-needed character development. Plus, romances (even if they’re sort of complicated) are super fun to watch. Until one of the other ghosts comes up with a love interest, Flower and Thor are currently filling that role. That means that I’ll only be satisfied when their love is more of a focus in future episodes.

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