Game of Thrones season 9 seems unlikely to happen, but cast members like Sophie Turner have addressed the possibility of continuing HBO’s hit fantasy series. Doing so would allow the writers to expand on certain characters’ endings, revealing how power is treating Bran and Sansa Stark and unpacking what becomes of Arya. If Game of Thrones ever returns for a ninth outing, it could also debunk the biggest Daenerys Targaryen theory for good. In fact, it should address this common speculation about her character.
While Game of Thrones’ ending opens up numerous storytelling possibilities for the Starks, it isn’t so kind to Daenerys. After she spends much of the series insisting she isn’t like her father, Daenerys proves she’s capable of the same Targaryen madness. That’s why Jon Snow kills her in Game of Thrones’ series finale, a decision that’s sparked controversy since “The Iron Throne” first aired. In general, Daenerys’ death is a development that has divided audiences. And some viewers are adamant that the Mother of Dragons could return, especially if Game of Thrones season 9 happens.
What Happened To Daenerys’ Body After Game Of Thrones Season 8?
It’s Unclear Where Drogon Takes It After Jon Kills Her
One of the biggest questions surrounding Daenerys’ death in Game of Thrones season 8 is what happens to her body, as Drogon flies off with it after Jon kills her. It’s a devastating moment, as the dragon is mourning the loss of his mother — and he loses both of his siblings beforehand. It’s shocking Drogon doesn’t repay Jon for his betrayal. However, the dragon seems to realize that the Iron Throne is the root of the issue, or at least that’s what the show alludes to. And so, after burning it, he takes his mother’s body and leaves King’s Landing.
Game of Thrones season 8 gives no further insight into where Drogon takes Daenerys, and this has led to speculation about whether she’ll remain dead. She’s undeniably deceased in the series finale, but some viewers believe she could be resurrected. After all, Jon Snow manages to overcome death in Game of Thrones season 6. If Drogon knows where to take Daenerys, it’s possible she could follow a similar trajectory. It’s a turn of events that comes up often when the possibility of Game of Thrones season 9 is floated, and it is theoretically possible in the world of Westeros.
How Daenerys Could Be Resurrected & Why There Are Theories She Will Be Brought Back
A Red Priest Or Priestess Could Bring Her Back, Just Like Jon Snow
The main foundation for the theory that Daenerys will return from the dead has to do with the fact that Drogon flies East with her body; Samwell Tarly even reveals that he’s headed towards Volantis. Volantis is where the red priestess Kinvara resides, and Game of Thrones never returns to her conversation with Tyrion and Varys in season 6. The show also never addresses whether Daenerys is the Prince That Was Promised, though Volantis’ followers of the Lord of Light certainly seem to think so.
Melisandre is able to resurrect Jon Snow in season 6, so it stands to reason that another red priestess could do the same for Daenerys.
If Drogon is bringing Daenerys to Volantis, it’s possible Kinvara will resurrect her, as she and the other red priests and priestesses believe Daenerys will “lead the people against the darkness, in this war and in the great war still to come.” Melisandre is able to resurrect Jon Snow in season 6, so it stands to reason that another red priestess could do the same for Daenerys. This is the reason people think the Mother of Dragons could return in some form. However, there are holes in this theory about Daenerys’ resurrection
For one, the “great war” that Kinvara refers to is likely the fight against the Night King and White Walkers — a conflict that comes to an end in Game of Thrones season 8. It’s unclear if the red priests and priestesses would resurrect Daenerys if her destiny was already fulfilled. They may also determine she’s not the Prince That Was Promised, especially if word about Jon Snow’s true parentage gets out. And it’s hard to see how resurrecting Dany would help her or the story at this stage.
The harsh truth about Game of Thrones’ Daenerys resurrection theories is that they’re mostly coming from a place of wishful thinking. Many viewers aren’t happy with her character’s ending, and they’re hopeful that a potential ninth season could set things right. However, undoing Daenerys’ death after Game of Thrones season 8 would be a mistake, no matter how unpopular a twist it is. It would further hurt the HBO show’s legacy, and it would be unlikely to go anywhere interesting.
Bringing Daenerys Back From The Dead Would Be A Big Mistake
It Would Cheapen Her Ending & She Likely Wouldn’t Learn From It
While the theories surrounding Daenerys’ resurrection have some evidence to support them, bringing her back from the dead in Game of Thrones season 9 would feel cheap. George R.R. Martin’s books aren’t known for resurrecting people; in fact, they’re highly praised for delivering definitive consequences, even when they involve the deaths of beloved characters. For the most part, Game of Thrones follows Martin’s lead. Jon’s resurrection is an exception to the rule, but it doesn’t feel cheap because it’s the only time this happens.
Resurrecting Daenerys would start a pattern that doesn’t fit Game of Thrones‘ grounded and gritty approach, and it would only lessen the impact of the series finale. While Game of Thrones season 8 is already divisive, retconning its biggest twists would only make matters worse. HBO is better off leaving the series’ legacy alone. If it does decide to pursue a continuation one day, it would be better off moving forward with the surviving characters than trying to fix season 8’s problems.
Knowing Daenerys, she’d probably take her resurrection as a sign that she’s meant to rule the Seven Kingdoms, leading her right back to the quest that got her killed in the first place.
Additionally, it’s unlikely Daenerys’ character arc would go anywhere interesting after being brought back from the dead. Knowing Daenerys, she’d probably take her resurrection as a sign that she’s meant to rule the Seven Kingdoms, leading her right back to the quest that got her killed in the first place. And if she didn’t resume her fight for the throne, it’s hard to see what else she would do. Her story comes to a natural conclusion in season 8, and reviving it wouldn’t serve much of a purpose.
Game Of Thrones Season 9 Would Need To Address Daenerys’ Fate – And End The Theory
Resurrecting Daenerys Targaryen wouldn’t be a smart choice for Game of Thrones, but viewers continue to speculate on how she could make a comeback. Needless to say, if Game of Thrones season 9 did happen, it would need to address these theories and reveal what happened to her body. For the franchise’s sake, a ninth season would be better off debunking the notion that Daenerys could return. This would allow its story to move forward without her, expanding on Game of Thrones‘ surviving players instead.