Well, if you’re willing to pay me the fee for the script, I’ll give you the script. Maybe when our version has run its course and we’ve finished, if the U.S. version is still going, it could be fun to do exactly that. I really like writing those kind episodes where you’re not relying on guests and a knock on the door, and here’s a new person for the week. Those are always the ones I find really fun, the challenge of tearing it all down to just the core cast. I’d probably try and come up with a story that allows me to just focus on the core gang, but I don’t know what that would be, but I could come up with it if you give me a chance.
We were convinced very early on that they knew what the heart of the show was, and the point really I think of anything being adapted, if it’s going to be successful, is that it has to have a reason to exist in a different territory and to speak to a different culture. And so regardless of the debate about whether Americans and Brits find different things funny or anything like that, it’s just literally going, “This show is about a house full of ghosts, and therefore it’s kind of about the history of a country.” We know intimately the stereotypes and archetypes of British history that we’re taught through our lives and infuse our culture, but we can’t get that right for America because we’re not American. We’re just really proud of their version and really just utterly delighted for the success of it.