After the Ghosts character starts to develop a serious crush on a living person, Isaac realizes that his relationship with Nigel isn’t as solid as he once might have believed. Despite the breakup, Nigel takes the news well enough. But in the closing moments of season 3, in the episode written by Lauren Bridges and John Timothy, the fallout from Isaac’s canceled wedding proves to have serious ramifications.
Upset that they weren’t invited to the wedding, the basement ghosts lure Isaac into a trap that allows Patience to capture him. The basement ghosts are surprised, apparently not expecting Patience to go that far. In the scene just before, Flower (Sheila Carrasco) explains that she had a friendship with Patience while trapped in the well. Flower goes on to say that Patience is obsessed with Isaac.
Patience is not over the fact that Isaac left her in a hole, even if it was done by accident. It fits into Isaac’s self-centered character trait, as the actor who plays him describes. Although it’s safe to bet that he’ll eventually be with his group, his story with Patience is only just beginning to take shape. Based on the comments from Jones and the Ghosts showrunners, it will be a significant part of the show’s future.