John Goodman reiterated his support for former co-star Roseanne Barr after she was fired from the ROSEANNE reboot in 2018.

“I felt bad for her,” Goodman said of Barr’s firing. “I just feel terrible about the whole thing. You know, we had a great time. And I love her. She’s just her own person.”

“At the time I remember going to some kind of junket where they saw the pilot, and then the interviews, and it just turned into an attack,” he continued. “And that made me very uncomfortable with them just attacking Roseanne.”

When asked if he would work with Barr again, Goodman replied, “I don’t know,” but added that he might if she would like to work with him again.

“I miss her,” Goodman said. “I wish her well.”

This isn’t the first time Goodman has publicly supported Barr. Immediately following Barr’s firing, the actor said he was “surprised at the response” to her tweets.

“That’s probably all I should say about that,” Goodman continued, adding, “I know for a fact that she’s not a racist.”

Barr thanked Goodman for his support, tweeting, “I thank John Goodman for speaking truth about me, despite facing certain peril from producers and network.”

Movieguide® previously reported on Barr’s firing, as well as her thoughts on cancel culture:

Barr was fired from the ROSEANNE revival after posting a tweet many saw as racist, though she quickly apologized for her statement. Despite the public apology, Barr was blacklisted for a period of time. However, she has made a comeback and has started doing stand-up comedy again.

“I was not allowed to even apologize for what happened,” Barr said. “I was just, like, blackballed and just totally canceled from even commenting on what happened, so I thought, ‘Well, stand-up is a great place to come back and say what happened and tell the truth about it and also talk about cancel culture itself and how horrible it is and how fascist.”

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