Lucille Ball’s Final Attempt to Revive Her Lucy Character Ended Sadly
1986 was a tough year for Ball. As recalled by People Magazine, Ball and her ex-husband, Arnaz, became close friends following their divorce. He passed away on December 2, 1986, just two days after Ball visited him for the last time. Per People, the visit was a loving, melancholy one, and, as the PBS documentary further explains, the loss of Arnaz weighed heavy on Ball. Earlier that year, in September, Ball had made one last attempt to bring back her character with the sitcom Life with Lucy. This time, she played a grandmother, but Ball still got into a whole heap of trouble. Though she reunited with I Love Lucy writers Madelyn Davis and Bob Carroll Jr. and her beloved foil, Gordon, for the show, Life with Lucy never found its audience. The show was canceled after just eight episodes. As stated in the PBS documentary, the pain of 1986 took its toll on Ball. Many friends featured in the biography spoke of her declining mental health. Edie Adams recalled seeing her at a charity event. When Ball took the stage, she said: “My name is Lucille Ball.” Adams said that the crowd, of course, applauded, but Ball followed the welcome with “I used to be on television.” Ball would never perform in another sitcom. On April 26, 1989, the legendary actress passed away. Yet, all these years later, Ball’s legacy lives on.
Nearly seventy years after the original show aired its final episode, I Love Lucy enjoys daily reruns on multiple cable networks. Additionally, streaming services have introduced the show and Ball’s unforgettable character to new generations. I Love Lucy was only the beginning of Lucille Ball’s iconic character. From direct follow-ups to reinventions, she entertained audiences for 35 years. Even today, after the beloved actress has passed away, her legacy continues. One thing is for sure: the world will always love Lucy.