I Love Lucy was centered around the relationship between Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) and her husband, Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz). The show also focuses on the titular character’s quest to become a successful figure within the entertainment industry, even if that proves to be a very difficult endeavor for her. I Love Lucy ran over the course of six seasons, before the launch of The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour. The project became a landmark for that era of television, with the real-life married couple taking the medium to new heights with their smart comedy.
The Legacy of ‘I Love Lucy’
Decades after I Love Lucy came to an end, the legacy of the series can still be seen throughout the entertainment industry. WandaVision took inspiration from the program when the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) created a new reality based on popular television series. Will & Grace produced an episode that served directly as a tribute to I Love Lucy a few years ago, with Lucie Arnaz making a cameo in the special presentation. There’s no denying that the world will never forget Lucy and Ricky’s impressive charisma. And now, audiences have a new opportunity to have fun with the couple’s adventures all over again.
I Love Lucy: The Complete Series will launch on Blu-ray on November 5. Stay tuned to Collider for more updates.