Naked maid of the Mother of Dragons heats up Game of Thrones 7

Besides the dramatic details about the battle and the relationships of the main characters, the new episode of Game of Thrones season 7 also warms up the screen with bed scenes.
This time, the hottest segment of episode 2 of Game of Thrones, season 7, does not come from the main character. That is the scene between the Dragon Mother’s maid Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and the soldier Gray Worm (Jacob Anderson) that she has long admired.

Missandei is not simply a maid but also a trusted advisor to Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke).
The bed scene took place when Missandei slowly stripped off her clothes, then slowly undressed the soldier even though he refused.

Just a few seconds later, Missandei pulled her lover onto the bed. It is worth mentioning that Gray had his penis cut off after being recruited into the ranks of the Unsullied army. Soldiers were subjected to this with the purpose of destroying their ability to desire.

The relationship between Missandei and Gray has been blossoming over the past few seasons. They will soon have to leave for a while when the war begins.

Before entering the hot scene, the directors helped the two actors feel as comfortable as possible. In the interview, actress Nathalie revealed that the love between Missandei and Gray is preciously pure.
As for Jacob Anderson, the audience is not unfamiliar with it because in addition to acting, he is also a famous singer with the stage name Raleigh Ritchie. Last year, Raleigh Ritchie’s album You’re a Man Now, Boy was highly appreciated.

After episode 2 with the hot details above, the producer has just revealed the upcoming classic meeting between the Mother of Dragons and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) in episode 3.

This is a meeting that fans have been waiting for a long time with the theory that these are two characters whose mission is to rule Westeros together.

In the reveal, the Mother of Dragons sits in a room at the castle on Dragonstone and Jon walks up. Episode 3 of Game of Thrones season 7 will air on HBO on July 30.

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