Nine Fiery Moments From ‘Station 19’

Sure, Station 19 is a series about brave first responders risking it all to keep their community and one another safe, but let’s be very real: It’s also about hot people hooking up with each other. A show can contain multitudes! Some of Station 19’s fieriest moments come not from the intense calls our firefighters face while on shift, but from their steamy activities after the shift (or during … we’re not judging!). Over seven seasons, we’ve been blessed with so many romantic, sexy, downright scorching scenes on Station 19, but below find nine of those moments that still have us all hot and bothered long after the credits roll.

Ben & Bailey: I Don’t Even Know How to Leave

Season 2, Episode 5: “Do a Little Harm …”

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This Ben & Bailey Relationship Timeline Shows The 'Grey's Anatomy' Couple  Is Heading For A Major Reckoning

When Bailey decides she needs to make some major changes to her life to prevent having another heart attack, she realizes that the biggest stressor in her life is Ben’s job. She is constantly worried about his safety, and she feels like she can’t even breathe because of it. The only solution she can come up with is separating for a while. Ben is so upset, but he also can’t bear to hurt his wife like this, so he agrees. It takes everything he has to actually walk out the door, and before he does, he tells her he “doesn’t know how to leave.” He wants to kiss her but doesn’t know if he should, so he just goes, and Bailey closes the door behind him. But come on — this is a man who loves his wife. And so, this man bursts back through the door (at the perfect music cue, no less) and lays a kiss so intense, so full of fire on his wife that Bailey has to grab onto the wall to hold herself steady after. This kiss is so good, you can see her start to reconsider her decision right then and there. Now, Ben still leaves because he respects his wife’s boundaries, but holy hell if he doesn’t make a bold statement with this kiss, declaring that he will be fighting for this marriage with everything he’s got.

Vic & Ripley: Lock. The. Door.

Season 2, Episode 7: “Weather the Storm”

Station 19 2x07 Victoria and the Fire Chief

Usually, thinking about Vic and Ripley makes me very sad … but thinking about Vic and Ripley being unable to stay away from each other after they watch each other chainsaw (not a euphemism) out on a call makes me way less sad. It’s so hot! They wind up alone in the equipment room, and they are so revved up from having seen each other out in the field that they throw their plans to keep things professional while Ripley is hanging around Station 19 for Thanksgiving right out the window. Ripley tries his best to hold out — he is the chief, after all — but Vic reminds him that she is a grown woman and wants this. She knows he does too. “I am done being professional right now, and I think you are too,” she tells him. The look he gives her in that moment tells her that, yes, she is very, very right. “Lock …the door,” she tells him. He follows her order, and the two of them proceed to demonstrate just how sturdy those equipment room lockers are. We flew too close to the sun with Vicley, and we should have known it from this very moment.

Andy & Ryan: Party for Two

Season 2, Episode 8: “Crash and Burn”

Station 19 02x08 Andy and Ryan private party for two

Apologies for the back-to-back tragic pairings, but what can I say? They were both memorable couples for a reason. Andy and Ryan were very on-again, off-again, but here they are so, so on. When Andy is awarded a Medal of Valor for saving Robert during a terrible windstorm-related accident in their Aid Car, she doesn’t think she deserves it — the victim they were trying to save before all hell broke loose dies before they’re rescued by 19. Ryan is the only one who understands that she feels like she doesn’t deserve it. During the after-party at Andy and Maya’s place, Andy and Ryan end up alone in her room, where she tells him that the way he sees her, the way he knows her better than anyone, makes her “feel naked.” And you know when people start talking about being naked after having a few drinks, it’s inevitable that they’ll wind up in bed together — and in this case, the bed is right there; how could you not, really? The steamy factor in the whole situation is amped up even more by the mere fact that there is an entire party going on right outside the door. As soon as Maya catches a glimpse of her roommate after she knows she just had “a party for two” and offers her a high five, that’s just good roommate culture right there.

Andy & Robert: Just Start Kissing Me

Season 3, Episode 8: “Born to Run”

Station 19 - Andy and Sullivan kiss 2

There’s a whole section of season three when Andy is so angry with Robert, she can barely look at him. It all goes back to when Andy learns that Robert and Pruitt decided behind her back that she wasn’t in the right headspace to be captain because of her grief over Ryan’s death (R.I.P., my man!) and because she was about to find out that Pruitt’s cancer was back. Eventually, though, she is exhausted with being angry, and after a particularly gruesome call, she decides she needs to find some light.

She races over to Robert’s house, knocks on his door, and gives him this moving speech about how she doesn’t want to fight anymore — instead she wants to feel again; she wants to feel safe again. “You’re the safest place I have,” she tells him, “and everything would be okay for the first time in a really long time if you would just start kissing me now.” Friends, that man doesn’t say a single word; he just does as he’s told. He reaches for her and kisses her in this all-consuming way and pulls her inside. Robert just giving Andy exactly what she needs in that moment? That’s hot right there. And the steam rolls right on into the following episode, where we find the two of them unable to keep their hands off each other, in bed together — still! They both had been waiting for this reconciliation for so long, and they are making the most of it.

Vic & Theo: Too Busy Watching Your Mouth

Season 4, Episode 8: “Make No Mistake, He’s Mine”

theo and vic

Bear with me here because I know — I know — this is a brief moment. Way too short to be completely satisfying, but come on, this is a hot first-date kiss. Vic and Theo, who meet while running at the same park during the pandemic, finally have a first date. They’re on Theo’s porch because they are being good and responsible, and they are talking about how good and responsible they are being when Theo saunters over to where Vic is sitting and says, “I’m sorry, what was that? I was too busy watching your mouth.” Okay, admittedly, written out that sounds a little cheesy, and on paper I would not want to kiss that man, but I’m telling you, Carlos Miranda really makes that line work. Theo leans in for one of those kisses that is so soft and yet immediately induces butterflies. You know the one. Unfortunately, that’s the exact moment his phone rings, and it interrupts everything. It is frustrating for all parties involved (including us!).

Robert & Natasha: Already Over the Line

Season 5, Episode 13: “Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire”Ross and Sullivan on a Mission - Station 19 thumnail

Has making a decision ever been so hot? The first kiss Robert and Natasha share while deployed overseas is pretty steamy on its own, but it’s really the moment right before the kiss that gets me. Though it’s clear they’ve had feelings for some time, Robert doesn’t want to cross that line — they’re in the middle of a war; it would be too hard to lose someone you love like that. When they both do that thing where two people move closer and look at each other like they really, really want to smash their faces together, Robert backs away. A frustrated Natasha reminds him that they already care about each other — they have already crossed that line in regard to their feelings. “Can’t we just enjoy it?” she pleads. And finally, they go for it. Best decision ever.

Travis & Eli: Just Politics

Season 6, Episode 13: “It’s All Gonna Break”

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Station 19 Season 6 Episode 14 Review: Get It All Out - TV Fanatic

Admittedly, I am a sucker for that moment when two characters who have yet to act on any chemistry between them are in an intense moment — whether full of joy or anger, doesn’t matter — and they suddenly stop and look at each other, and they both realize, oh, this is so happening. It’s the best! And it’s what happens here when Travis and his campaign manager Eli are celebrating his incredible showing at the first mayoral debate. Travis finally sees himself as a viable candidate; he finally sees that people want to vote for him, and that feels good. “It’s good to be wanted,” Travis says. And then, those two very nice boys rip off each other’s cute li’l blazers and tumble over the couch. Sure, Eli is kind of, sort of dating Andy, but come on — everything’s fair game in politics. Just kidding; it actually is pretty awkward later when everyone finds out.

Carina & Maya: I Could Use a Nice, Hot Shower

Season 6, Episode 15: “What Are You Willing to Lose”

Maya and Carina Pull a Callie and Arizona on "Station 19"Who doesn’t love a nice, hot shower after an evening putting back together both a drunken bride-to-be’s nose and your own marriage? That’s exactly what happens when Carina and Maya go out on their second first date as a part of their baby steps to find their way back to each other after their temporary split. Their date is mostly ruined by the drunken bridal party, but then Carina suggests they keep the night going … back at Maya’s apartment … in the shower. Sure, the shower scene is intercut with the rest of the 19 team on a pretty harrowing call, but that doesn’t make the shower scene any less steamy, both literally and figuratively. What makes this moment even hotter, though, is that you can feel their relationship healing. Carina and Maya needed to get back to this place; it had been a long time coming.

Travis & Emmett: Sex at a Funeral

Season 7, Episode 2: “Good Grief”

I’m sorry, but sometimes bad decisions are very, very sexy! I don

Station 19' EPs Get Into Why Travis Cheats on Eli in Season 7 Premiere

’t make the rules! And this decision is 1,000 percent both of those things. By the time the funeral reception for Michael Dixon arrives, Travis and Emmett have already bumped into each other, in every sense of the phrase. They couldn’t help it the other day, and they certainly can’t help it now at the reception the moment Travis’ boyfriend Eli leaves and Travis and Emmett brush hands. Immediately, they are in the pantry (yes, Emmett makes a “back in the closet” joke) and undressing each other. While their first hookup that week was grief-fueled, they both look like they’re having much more fun this second time around. While we don’t condone cheating on your boyfriend, we do condone watching this scene. It’s hot, and while Travis should definitely feel bad about it, I refuse to.

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