Our Take On Hetty Not Getting Powers In Ghosts Season 4

Given just how long it’s been since Hetty’s powers were first playfully hinted at during Ghosts season 1, it’s disappointing that she’s not going to have them revealed during the 22-episode stretch of season 4. While it’s possible Port and Wiseman change their minds, unveiling her powers during later episodes of the season, the number of storylines on their plate right now makes it unlikely to happen. At the very least, their statement confirms plans for her powers to arrive in the future, even if it takes more time.

Since her power doesn’t seem like it will be touched on throughout season 4, it appears Port and Wiseman have extensive plans for the other characters moving forward. Alongside exploring existing powers and introducing new characters, Ghosts season 4 will change Jay by allowing him to see the ghosts within the Bed & Breakfast. This could become a central point of the season moving forward, alongside confirmation of Sass getting a love interest and Jay’s parents being introduced. With a crowded story already, Hetty may end up falling to the wayside this season.


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