Peter Boyle Proved He Was Perfect For Everybody Loves Raymond Without Ever Auditioning

Everybody Loves Raymond is undoubtedly one of the most iconic TV shows of the ’90s and 2000s, and that is partly because of Peter Boyle’s incredible performance. He may not have made as much money as Ray did from the show, but the actor, who played the unforgettable role of Frank Barone, was the best choice for the character—so much so that he didn’t even need to audition for it.

The story of how he got the role is hilarious and heartwarming. Now, 17 years after Peter Boyle’s passing, and 18 years after the show’s ending, let’s review what happened.

Peter Boyle Was Iconic In Everybody Loves Raymond
Peter Boyle, Doris Roberts and Ray Romano on Everybody Loves Raymondvia CBS
Among Peter Boyle’s many incredible roles, his time as Frank Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond is the one that stands out the most. He’s Ray and Robert’s dad, and to say he’s a complicated father would be an understatement.

He’s an old-fashioned guy who can be excessively tough on his kids, and who has no qualms criticizing people to the point of hurting their feelings or making them uncomfortable. However, he does have a soft side. As much as he tries to hide it, he cares deeply for his family.

Frank also had a hard relationship with his father and other men in his family, which is why, as difficult and ruthless as he can be, he would never hurt his children like his father hurt him, although it was the norm at the time.

Despite making an absolute fortune from his iconic sitcom, Ray Romano’s career was made complicated by his salary and success.
Peter Boyle played this complex and important character perfectly for nine years, and became a legend. Everybody remembers his amazing performance, viewers and actors, and his loss in 2006 was a very tough blow for everyone who was lucky enough to meet and work with Peter.

Ray Romano, the actor who made bank portraying Raymond, as everyone surely knows, gave the perfect explanation of why he was the ideal actor for the show, and why Peter could perform this role like no one else possibly could.

“The fact that he could play a convincing curmudgeon on the show, but in reality be such a compassionate and thoughtful person, is a true testament to his talent. He could play this guy who seems scary but really underneath it has this heart you know? And get a laugh doing it. To get the audience to hate your character… but love you is unique.”

Peter Boyle couldn’t have been any different from Frank Barone. The two men were nothing alike, and had the producers met Peter in any other context, it might have taken a little convincing for them to see that he was the right choice. As it was, everything happened the way it had to, even if the actor wasn’t that happy about it at first.


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