As Blue Bloods gets closer to its final episode, there is widespread speculation about what will happen to each member of the Raegan family. The long-running police procedural has been popular for fourteen years because of its focus on family values. The core members of Blue Bloods’ Reagan family get together in every episode for a Sunday family dinner as well as have each others’ backs during tough times, both professionally and personally, and each member deserves a spectacular send-off when the series ends.
Although there are only a few episodes of Blue Bloods left before the series wraps up, there is not yet a lot of information available about how the show will end. The producers have released only general information, notably that Frank will go on a final mission to help Mayor Chase, and Jamie and Eddie will have positive family news. There is also a possible death at the end of Blue Bloods, but this has not been confirmed. However, Blue Bloods is expected to have a memorable finale that leaves the audience satisfied and answers all their questions.
8. Henry Reagan Will Face His Mortality
Henry Will Have a Health Scare But Will Not Have Died Yet
As the oldest member of the Reagan family, Henry is the most likely of the core cast members to die, and some of his scenes early in the second half of Blue Bloods season 14 seemed to contain worrisome clues. Most notably, Henry commented that Jack Boyle would remain on the outs with the Reagans “until I die” and later asked for a living wake so that the family could sing his praises while he was still alive. Taken together, these two scenes suggest that Henry’s days are numbered.
It would make for a heartbreaking finale if Henry were unable to be at the final Blue Bloods family dinner, and that might leave the audience heartbroken. However, there is supposed to be at least one piece of news shared at that dinner that is negative. Thus, it would make sense for Henry to disclose that he has been diagnosed with a terminal illness close to the end of the Blue Bloods finale but that he plans to spend as much time as possible with his family before he dies.
If Henry were to get a terminal diagnosis, he would likely see it as advance notice that the end is coming and double down on gratitude for the time he has left.
This ending would still be sad but would put the focus back onto family values rather than his impending death, which might soften the blow. Additionally, it would fit Henry’s character to make this decision. Although he is healthy now, he has said in more than one episode that he considers each new day a blessing and is aware that one day he might not wake up. Thus, if Henry were to get a terminal diagnosis, he would likely see it as advance notice that the end is coming and double down on gratitude for the time he has left.
7. Frank Reagan Will Make Plans For Balancing Work And Family Time Differently
He Won’t Retire Yet But Will Make Changes That Move Him In That Direction
Frank retiring would be the most logical ending for the series. Blue Bloods has revolved around Frank’s professional and family lives for fourteen seasons. Frank often has to find a way to do his job objectively despite how it might affect his sons and strives to avoid favoritism in how he runs the NYPD. He also has had many stories over the years in which he butts heads with government officials or refuses to do things he doesn’t believe in for political purposes. Thus, if Frank retires, it puts a definitive end to Blue Bloods.
This ending would be especially poignant if Frank learns he has another grandchild on the way.
However, this possibility seems unlikely, as Tom Selleck has stated that Frank will not retire in the final episode (via TV Insider). However, even if Frank is still working at the end of the series, he could be taking steps toward retirement, such as cutting back on work obligations or taking the first vacation he’s had in years. This ending would be especially poignant if Frank learns he has another grandchild on the way. He may feel a need to rearrange his schedule so that he can spend more time with the new baby.
6. Danny Pays Tribute To Linda Before Moving On WIth Baez
Linda’s Death Has Hung Over His Head Since Season 8, So He Has To Come To Terms With It By The End
Blue Bloods‘ Danny and Linda were a strong couple for the first seven years of the series. However, Linda’s off-screen death before season 8 began left Danny without a life partner. During the first few post-Linda seasons, he went through several changes as he learned to lean on the rest of his family while trying to balance work demands with the needs of his two teenage sons. He did not have any interest in dating at that point and only changed his mind in season 14.
Danny must also get some closure regarding Linda’s death and be fully ready to move on with someone else.
It would be fitting for Danny to find new love as the series wraps up. With so little time, it makes more sense for him to admit to his feelings for Baez than for Blue Bloods to introduce someone new. Although Baez and Danny have strong chemistry, it isn’t enough to put them together at the end; Danny must also get some closure regarding Linda’s death and be fully ready to move on with someone else. This would likely include a tribute to Linda of some sort during one of the final Reagan family dinners.
While it would be wonderful to honor Amy Carlson’s contributions to the first seven seasons by having Linda return as a ghost or part of a dream, that would bring Blue Bloods closer to soap opera territory and would not fit its brand, so this is unlikely to happen. However, Danny might find a letter or video from Linda that she intended for him to receive after her death, which would allow Carlson to participate in the finale without adding soap opera elements to the story.
5. Erin Reconciles With Jack Boyle And He Comes To The Final Family Dinner
The Couple Has Been On-Again Off-Again For Years
Erin and Jack’s relationship is one of Blue Bloods‘ more controversial aspects. Jack is a defense attorney who often seems to lack scruples, and his relationship with Erin imploded when he cheated on her. During the series’ early years, he was cast as the villain in the relationship, engaging in behavior such as skipping their daughter’s 16th birthday party for selfish reasons. However, his image has been softened in more recent episodes, and there have been several indications that Erin is interested in trying romantically with him again.
Erin and Jack likely would have reconciled in Blue Bloods season 13 if she had not been attempting to run for Manhattan DA. The two had gotten closer, but Erin’s political advisors warned her that it would hurt her campaign to be seen with Jack, so she distanced herself. However, their warning was partially based on the fact that Jack was spending time with people who had ties to organized crime, so it may have been for the best that no reconciliation happened at that point.
Reconciling would not make sense if the relationship is doomed, especially since there will not be further episodes to explore this problem.
If they get together in the Blue Bloods finale, Jack will have to clean up his act first. Reconciling would not make sense if Jack and Erin’s relationship is doomed, especially since there will not be further episodes to explore this problem. Thus, Jack will likely have to prove himself over the next few episodes in order for this ending to be believable.
4. Jamie And Eddie Will Name Their First Child After Henry
The Couple Has Already Talked About Starting A Family
Jamie and Eddie having a child would be a perfect Blue Bloods ending, especially if they name their kid after Henry. This possibility would leave the audience with the understanding that even though the series is over, the Reagan family’s story is not. It would also be an opening for a potential Blue Bloods spinoff about Jamie and Eddie balancing their work duties with their new obligations now that they are about to become parents. Jamie and Eddie are also a fan-favorite couple who don’t get enough screen time together, so they deserve the honor of their dream come true.
Naming the baby after Henry would make this an even more poignant ending for Jamie and Eddie. This decision would honor Henry’s place in the Reagan family and ensure that the new baby is raised with the same values that made Henry such an important and beloved patriarch. If Henry is seriously ill or has already passed away, this decision would also ensure that his legacy goes on, which would help soften the blow of losing Blue Bloods as a series.
3. Sean Reagan Will Choose A Career Path That Honors His Family
He Is Not Likely To Become A Cop But Will Go Into Public Service In Some Other Manner
Sean was a little boy when Blue Bloods began and is now a young man taking college courses, so he deserves a strong send-off as much as any of the other Reagans. As a child, he wanted to be a firefighter rather than a cop, which earned him strange looks from his family when he announced at dinner once, but as an adult, it is not clear yet what he wants to do. However, it is not likely Sean will become a cop after his experience with tracking down a mugger in Blue Bloods season 14, episode 9.
It remains to be seen what career path Sean takes as Blue Bloods ends, but he is likely to go into public service of some sort.
Although Sean has not yet chosen a career path, there is no doubt he will want to do something that honors both of his parents. His mother was a nurse, but he has shown no interest in medicine thus far. It remains to be seen what career path Sean takes as Blue Bloods ends, but he is likely to go into public service of some sort. He might also turn to his cousin Nicky, who works for a liberal think tank in San Francisco, for help establishing his career.
2. Jack Reagan Will Return With News About His Career
Jack Going To Med School Would Be A Great Tribute For Linda
When Jack Reagan left Blue Bloods at the end of season 10, he decided to go to college so that he could explore different career paths, following some advice Danny gave him. Jack had initially wanted to go into the Marines like his father, but Danny convinced him he should take some time to explore his options before making a final decision. With Jack scheduled to return for the series finale, the most logical end for his story is for him to announce his decision about his future.
It would make sense for Jack to go into the medical field, as Linda was a nurse and he might want to honor his mother’s memory by going into a similar field.
In real life, Tony Terraciano goes to medical school, so it would be an interesting tribute to the actor if Jack made the same decision in Blue Bloods. It would make sense for Jack to go into the medical field, as Linda was a nurse and he might want to honor his mother’s memory by going into a similar field. However, this would mean he isn’t following Danny into the Marines after all, which could be disappointing for Danny and some other Reagans even though Danny wanted Jack to take his time before making a decision.
1. Joe Hill Will Get The Opportunity To Celebrate His Father
Joe’s Problem Has Always Been That He Never Knew Joe Reagan
Joe Hill getting along better with the Reagans will be a satisfying ending, but it would be a stronger conclusion for his character arc if that were combined with his getting some closure about his father’s death. Joe has always been upset that the other Reagans grew up with his dad, yet he never knew him. Thus, in addition to accepting the Reagans as part of his family, Joe needs to be able to come to terms with this in some way in order to wrap up his story properly.
If Joe Hill realized he was following in his father’s footsteps, he might feel more pride in being a Reagan even though he didn’t know his father.
The easiest way to do this would be for Joe to join the other Reagans in the final case, which involves Frank’s mission to help the mayor. He could uncover more information about his father and how he functioned as a cop. If Joe Hill realized he was following in his father’s footsteps, he might feel more pride in being a Reagan even though he didn’t know his father. This would be an especially poignant end to his story if he also toasted his father during the final family dinner.