Roseanne Barr Apologizes to Billionaire George Soros After Calling Him a Nazi

Roseanne Barr is trying to make amends for the controversy that led to the cancellation of her hit ABC sitcom.

On Monday, Barr issued an apology to billionaire George Soros after calling him a Nazi on social media last month.

“I apologize sincerely to @georgesoros,” she wrote on Twitter. “His family was persecuted by The Nazis & survived The Holocaust only because of the strength & resourcefulness of his father.”

Along with the apology, Barr also shared a link to an information page about Soros’ philanthropic foundation, the Open Society Foundations.

In late May, Barr falsely claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to Soros’ nephew. After Clinton corrected her, Barr continued her rant against Soros, calling him a “Nazi” who “turned in his fellow Jews.”

“Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you!I Please forgive me! By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?” Barr wrote.

Her apology comes days after the Jewish Holocaust survivor called Barr’s comments a “total fabrication.”

Soros was 14 when Nazis occupied his native Hungary, forcing him to hide his Jewish identity to escape persecution.

Soros assumed a Christian name in order to evade the Nazis, and once accompanied a Christian government official to take an inventory at the mansion of a Jew who had fled the country.

Barr’s tweet helped spread a conspiracy theory that Soros was a “Nazi collaborator” that stemmed from a 1998 interview with 60 Minutes interview in which he said he didn’t feel guilty about the incident because he was there a “spectator.”

Last week, Barr, 65, posted a cryptic tweet promising to make “restitution for the pain I have caused.”

Roseanne was canceled by ABC after Barr wrote a tweet comparing former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape. Barr later claimed that she had taken Ambien before she began tweeting and that she didn’t know Jarrett is black.

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