Sam and Jays Financial Troubles Are Played Down In The US Show

In CBS’s Ghosts, Sam and Jay’s attempts to convert the mansion into a hotel are largely successful, and their financial struggles aren’t the driving force of the series. It takes the pair most of season 1 to iron out the kinks with their plan, but the couple are soon the owners of a successful hotel.

In contrast, the British show’s central duo spent all five seasons struggling to make ends meet. This might be part of the reason for the success of CBS’s Ghosts, as the series has a more optimistic outlook than the British series it is based on.

Like The Office, Ghosts changed a lot of details while translating a UK comedy show to US television. Ghosts is less cynical than the BBC sitcom, and Sam and Jay’s success is the most notable example of this. In the British version of Ghosts, it can be tough to watch Allison and Mike repeatedly fail to make the mansion’s upkeep financially viable whether they are using the house as a hotel, a party venue, or a shooting location. In the US version of the series, the couple’s finances are mentioned less frequently, and keeping the mansion from ruin doesn’t stress them.

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