Simon Cowell and Howie Mandel shared a playful moment while pushing Golden Buzzer at America’s Got Talent
Simon Cowell and Howie Mandel had a little playful moment while pushing Golden Buzzer during the episode of America’s Got Talent on NBC.
Simon reached over and tried to push Howie Mandel’s Golden Buzzer for Airfootworks from Japan as he said, “I am just about to get myself fired.”

In this regards, the crowd cheered for the group of hip hop dancers and break dancers who showed off their unique style of the dance.
While Simon tried to push Howie’s buzzer, Terry Crews stated, “Okay I’ve got to clear this up Howie got there first, this is Howie’s Golden Buzzer.”
Furthermore, when Simon rushed to the stage and Howie tried to block him, Terry added, “Simon wants to take the credit. Howie, this is your Golden Buzzer.”
In response, Howie stated, “This is mine,” while Simon went on stage to congratulate the dancers.
Later on, Terry played the replay that showed both Simon and Howie reaching for the Golden Buzzer at the same time.
However, Howie was the one to hit the buzzer first and Howie claimed, “I feel like I’ve been abused.”
It is worth mentioning, Terry then announced that because of the Golden Buzzer, AirFootworks will go straight to the finals.