Vic not wanting to care about things should have been a warning sign for her fellow firefighters, as caring about people and things was always her defining trait.

Crisis One not being funded anymore by the city budget due to the cuts ordered by the Mayor to Chief Ross put the final nail in the coffin for Vic. The initiative wasn’t only what Vic was in charge of, but it had also become her purpose, which she had spent years trying to find and for which she even studied psychology in Station 19 season 6. The dissolution of Crisis One also meant the demolition of Dean’s legacy, yet another hit, given how Dean was Vic’s best friend and the Mayor was effectively destroying Dean’s biggest contribution this way.
Vic’s outburst against the Mayor in front of journalists in Station 19 season 7, episode 5 imperiled her job as a firefighter per Station 19 season 7, episode 6’s promo. Her reaction to Crisis One’s dissolution evidently shocked her as well, but losing her job too could destroy her. Vic shutting out Travis and Ben, coupled with Andy’s new responsibilities distracting her from her firefighters’ well-being all contributed to the firehouse not recognizing Vic’s crisis

Were Vic to lose her job as Station 19 season 7, episode 6’s promo suggests or fight Osman and Ross’s decision, she will need the support of her coworkers. Having already missed the warning signs, Station 19 needs to rally around Vic, and they could do so by reminding Osman of his promises when Travis endorsed him for mayor, especially considering the grip Osman has on Ross. Whether Vic’s final storyline leaves her a firefighter or not, she needs to overcome her crisis with Station 19’s help, or her story’s end will be one of the grimmest in Station 19.