We’re not even gonna pretend that we’re not crying, you’re crying, ’cause odds are we were all red-eyed by the end of Station 19’s final season premiere Thursday. Read on, and we’ll go over the reasons for both the happy and extremely sad tears.

‘LET’S BE HIS MOMS’ | First, the good news: Nanette the Waitress died. OK, that’s not technically good, but what happened afterwards was. Her friend Wolf the Chef decided that he couldn’t go through with his plans to adopt newborn Liam (who was named for his mom’s favorite One Direction dreamboat). OK, that’s not technically good, either, but what happened afterwards was — really this time. Maya immediately suggested to Carina that they adopt the baby. Needless to say, she was all for it!
‘WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU IS NOT MY FAULT’ | Following Jack’s surgery, Amelia disclosed to Andy that although Gibson might recover fully, he’d never again be cleared to work as a firefighter. Would the team feel safe with Herrera as captain, she was asked by a vision of Jack, if she couldn’t even keep him safe? Hell, yes, she replied, fired up. In fact, she was determined to be a better captain than even her father had been. As the episode ended, Jack awakened and murmured that he was ready for his next shift. If only.

‘LET’S GET MARRIED’ | Now that Ross’ relationship with Sullivan was common knowledge, she was sure that Mayor Osman was going to fire her. That didn’t turn out to be the case, however. “It’s the rule, not the chief that needs to be replaced,” he said. That obstacle removed, Robert suggested that he and Natasha tie the knot. “If you really want me to take your proposal seriously,” she replied, “ask me on a Tuesday when the weather’s crappy and my hair looks busted… ” His perfect response? “Tomorrow’s Tuesday.”

‘I’D DUCK IF I WERE YOU’ | Teamed up with Theo, of all people, on Crisis One, Vic tried and failed to keep a chemical engineer from blowing up her workplace after being d—ked over by her colleagues. Hughes did manage to get everyone out safely, but she was disappointed that she hadn’t been able to prevent the explosion — so disappointed that she couldn’t be bothered to care that her ex had made out with Chaos Kate five minutes after they broke up.

‘TO ME, IT SEEMED LIKE HE MISSED YOU’ | Paying a visit to the Dixon home, Travis found Kitty in classic Kitty form, planning her late husband’s funeral with all the feeling that she might a luncheon. Of course he was really there to see his old flame. Travis said that he was sorry Emmett’s dad hadn’t been able to tell him what he needed to hear — and he felt like Dixon was sorry for that, too. One thing (a consoling hug) led to another (hey, that’s not a consoling hug anymore!) until Travis and his ex were tearing off each other’s clothes. Kind of a bummer, too, ’cause Eli seemed like a better fit with Travis.