The 1 Reason Christian Grey Looks So Much Sexier in Fifty Shades Darker

If you find yourself getting slightly more aroused watching Fifty Shades Darker than you did first movie, we have a theory.

There was backlash against Fifty Shades of Grey claiming that Jamie Dornan’s portrayal of Christian Grey just wasn’t hot enough. So this time Jamie brought it — and a little something extra. And by that, we are referring to the slight scruff on his chiseled face.

According to a USA Today interview, Dornan prepped for the sequel by tanning, getting more muscle mass, and growing some scruff. “Shaving every day sucks,” he said. “It’s also a weird psychological thing, but . . . I feel very exposed and naked with a shaved face.”

This is a diversion from author E L James’s portrayal of the character. In the books, Christian is described as clean-shaven. Hey, this guy is — um — anal and pretty type A. But as we said, fans complained that Jamie-as-Christian needed to be edgier and many wanted him to rock a bit of facial hair. There was even a petition for him to sport some stubble.

Team Beard won, and if you can’t tell from the photos, Jamie looks smokin’. That said, any time a movie diverts from the book, fans tend to get riled up. So, which do you prefer: clean-cut Christian or stubbly Christian?

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