Becky and Tyler are in it for the long haul, as evidenced in TVLine’s exclusive sneak peek at The Conners (ABC, Wednesday at 8/7c).
In the following clip from Season 6, Episode 6, Darlene walks into her kitchen to find her sister’s boyfriend making breakfast for the entire family. Awfully considerate of him, right?
“It was also considerate last night when he made us dinner in the same clothes as the night before,” Darlene notes. “And now he’s wearing slipper socks.”
Turns out, Tyler has quietly moved into Darlene and Ben’s house, where single-mom Becky has been living with her daughter, Beverly Rose. Becky is quick to make the case for why Tyler should be allowed to stay — but does Darlene need convincing?
Sean Astin’s Tyler marks the first significant love interest for Becky since Roseanne was revived in 2018. “It’s really nice,” executive producer Bruce Helford previously expressed to TVLine. “It’s the first time since Mark from the Roseanne days that we’ve really found someone where the chemistry is right for Lecy Goranson and for the Becky character.”
Early Season 6 episodes saw Becky introduce Tyler to Dan, Jackie and Darlene — and later, to Beverly Rose. That said, Becky is being “cautious, trying not to make a misstep,” fellow EP Dave Caplan explained. “It’s complicated when you have a kid and you bring someone new into your life, so she’s being really careful with that” — and neither Becky nor Tyler want to do anything that puts their budding romance at risk. “They want to see if this relationship has what it takes to go the long haul.”
It was revealed in a Season 3 episode of The Conners that Becky’s late husband Mark (played on Roseanne by the late Glenn Quinn) died in a freak motorcycle accident. She finally dealt with her repressed anger during a stint in rehab, as seen in TVLine’s recap below:
Becky was previously involved with Beverly Rose’s father Emilio (in Season 1) and former high school classmate Mikey (in Season 4) — but neither relationship stuck. FedEx pilot Tyler, who was first introduced late in Season 5, makes his third appearance in Wednesday’s episode, with plans for him to appear in additional episodes throughout the current Season 6.