The Great Mystery of The Conners: Where Are the Lost Children?

In the world of sitcoms, continuity issues are often overlooked, with fans willing to forgive the occasional plot twist or character absence. However, The Conners has a lingering mystery that continues to baffle viewers of the original Roseanne series: the disappearance of key children from the storyline. Despite producers claiming to have addressed these absences, many fans remain unconvinced.

The Missing Children of Roseanne

One of the most notable omissions is Jackie’s son, Andy. Showrunner Bruce Helford suggested that some plot points were part of the dream revealed at the end of Roseanne, raising eyebrows among fans. If that were the case, does it imply that the entire series was a dream? Andy was a real part of the show’s narrative, introduced in Season 7, and his absence feels more like a narrative convenience than a coherent storyline.

The revival, The Conners, has also brought other missing children into the spotlight. Crystal, a recurring character, had two children, Ed Jr. and Angela, but Angela is virtually forgotten in the new series, as if she never existed at all.

The Impact of Roseanne Barr’s Firing

The dynamics changed significantly after Roseanne Barr was fired for her controversial comments, leading to a rebranding of the show. In the reboot, Roseanne’s character is killed off due to an overdose, and viewers are left to wonder about the fate of her fourth child, Jerry Garcia Conner. Initially mentioned as being on a fishing boat in Alaska, Jerry has since been erased from the family narrative, with characters like Becky and Dan dismissing him entirely.

A Cast of Missing Characters

In addition to the lost children, several original characters have vanished without explanation. Mark Healy, Becky’s husband, is the only one with a clear backstory—he tragically died in a motorcycle accident. But what about Jackie’s first husband, Fred? His absence raises questions, especially since Jackie’s new marriage to Neville comes with unclear implications about her past.

Jackie’s best friend, Nancy Bartlett, played a significant role in the original series but has been left out of the new iteration. Their friendship was a cornerstone of Jackie’s life, yet the show offers no insight into their current status or history.

Continuity Confusion

The inconsistencies in character presence have led fans to speculate about the show’s narrative choices. Some wonder if characters like Nancy and Arnie were merely fictional constructs within the narrative of Roseanne, meant to represent her coping mechanisms after significant losses in her life.


As The Conners continues, the mystery of the lost children and absent characters remains a point of contention among fans. While sitcoms often thrive on flexibility, the emotional ties and histories established in Roseanne make these omissions particularly jarring. As the series moves forward, viewers are left hoping for clarity and closure regarding the beloved characters who have seemingly disappeared into thin air.

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