“The Rookie Finally Reveals the Season-Long Mystery We’ve Been Wondering About”

Ever since Seth Ridley (Patrick Keleher) joined the cast of The Rookie early in Season 7, something seemed off about the new probationary officer. When trouble arose, he always had a sad excuse to explain his poor performance to Lucy Chen (Melissa O’Neil), who is currently serving as his training officer. After a while, Seth’s sob stories began to contradict each other, and things did not add up. At first, Ridley’s lies came off as very suspicious, suggesting a dark, underlying intent. However, later episodes revealed no evil or dark explanation for Ridley’s lies. Ridley is simply totally incompetent. It’s time to unpack the problems surrounding Officer Ridley in The Rookie Season 7.

Seth Ridley Is a Pathological Liar on ‘The Rookie’
Seth Ridley talking to Miles Penn and looking upset while on duty in The Rookie Season 7 Episode 4Image via ABC
During Season 7, Episode 4, “Darkness Falls,” Lucy notices something did not connect with Ridley’s stories about his high school girlfriend. At first, Lucy is unsettled regarding Ridley and goes to Tim Bradford (Eric Winter) for advice, fearing the Los Angeles Police Department’s background check for Ridley may have missed something. Later, during Episode 5, “Till Death,” Lucy looks into Ridley’s background, and she realizes that Ridley’s previous stories were lies. Ridley then admits to Lucy that he struggles with telling half-truths to get himself out of trouble. In the simplest terms, Ridley is a pathological liar who habitually lies to protect himself.

Lucy’s instincts concerning Ridley had her ready to recommend to Lt. Wade Grey (Richard T. Jones) to cut Ridley from the program. However, before Lucy could submit her recommendation, Lt. Grey and Ridley revealed that Seth had received lab results revealing that his cancer had returned. However, Ridley’s doctor supposedly permitted him to continue his police training. Lt. Grey pledges support for Ridley to continue working while undergoing cancer treatment. Ridley’s history and lies call his cancer diagnosis into question, and even Lucy feels rightfully suspicious of whether Ridley’s illness is legitimate.

The Rookie appears to be continuing the cancer subplot with Ridley and whether his illness is even real. The subject arises during Season 7, Episode 7, “The Mickey,” as Ridley notices that Lucy’s trust in him is shaken. Ridley claims during a patrol, “I would never lie about cancer. If you have any doubts, you know you can always check my medical records. I’m a rookie. I signed away my medical privacy when I joined.” While Lucy replies she might take Ridley up on his suggestion, it’s unknown if she ever checked on his medical records or doctor visits. Something tells us that, due to Ridley’s past, he’s not being genuine about his cancer. Lying about having cancer is pretty terrible, but Ridley’s fake-it-till-you-make-it mentality appears to be deeply psychological and habitual at this point. His believability lacks credibility.

Seth Ridley’s Actions Put Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen in Danger During a Deadly Wildfire
Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen hugging after the wildfire in the midseason finale of The Rookie Season 7 (Chenford)Image via ABC
During Season 7’s latest episode, “Wildfire,” Officer Ridley is manning the phones during a deadly wildfire that broke out in Los Angeles. Ridley becomes so overwhelmed with the various phone calls that he fails to properly notify Tim and Lucy that they are driving on a dangerous road that needs to be closed. Ridley later rips up and tosses away his note about the road to hide his mistake. Thankfully, Tim and Lucy manage to survive the worst of the wildfire using a fireproof shelter. Ridley checks in on them in the hospital while they are recovering from smoke inhalation in the hospital. Rather than admit his error that put Tim and Lucy in danger, he continues to lie to protect himself, claiming that he yelled at the National Weather Service about the road closures. When a rightfully angry Tim mentions wanting to follow up with the NWS over the issue, Ridley persuades him from doing so, again by lying, saying, “No, I don’t think that’s necessary. I put the fear of God in them.”

Ridley’s incompetence is appalling in that his mistakes put Lucy and Tim in certain peril even though they managed to survive relatively unscathed. Yet, rather than coming clean and owning up to his actions, Ridley continues the charade and wrongfully blames others for his mistakes. This could cause future problems down the road, as Ridley appears to be dating Lucy’s close friend and former roommate, Tamara Colins (Dylan Conrique).

Seth Ridley’s Incompetence Makes Him a Liability for the LAPD
Lucy Chen and Seth Ridley riding in the shop together while on duty in The Rookie

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