ABC’s hit police procedural drama “The Rookie” has captivated audiences since its debut in 2018. With a mix of action, humor, and heartfelt moments, the show follows John Nolan (played by Nathan Fillion), the LAPD’s oldest rookie, as he navigates law enforcement challenges. Over the years, “The Rookie” has also showcased a diverse cast, prominently featuring several talented Latino actors who bring depth and authenticity to their roles.
Lisseth Chavez as Celina Juarez
Lisseth Chavez joined “The Rookie” as Celina Juarez, making her first appearance in Season 5. As John Nolan’s first official trainee, Celina brings a unique perspective to the LAPD with her strong belief in the occult and mysticism. Relying heavily on her instincts, she has proven to be a valuable asset to the department.
With Tru Valentino’s departure as Aaron Thorsen, Season 7 saw Celina promoted from a recurring character to a series regular. Chavez’s portrayal of Celina adds a fresh and unconventional dynamic to the team.
Before joining “The Rookie,” Chavez was already a familiar face in television. She played rookie officer Vanessa Rojas on “Chicago P.D.,” though her storyline as Kevin Atwater’s romantic interest never fully developed. Chavez also left her mark on “Legends of Tomorrow” as Spooner, further demonstrating her versatility as an actress.
Alyssa Diaz as Angela Lopez
Alyssa Diaz has been a cornerstone of “The Rookie” since the beginning, playing Angela Lopez, an LAPD detective and one of the show’s leads. Angela’s character arc is one of the most compelling in the series, as she transitions from officer to detective while navigating the challenges of a male-dominated field. Her journey resonates with audiences, offering strength, loyalty, and determination.
Diaz’s portrayal of Angela includes moments of vulnerability, humor, and fiery resolve. The character’s storyline has even mirrored Diaz’s real-life experiences, featuring her pregnancy.
Other Latino Stars Featured on ‘The Rookie’
In addition to the contributions of Chavez and Diaz, “The Rookie” has showcased a diverse array of notable Latino actors who have significantly enriched the show’s ensemble cast. One memorable performance came from Roselyn Sanchez, who portrayed Valerie Castillo in the episode titled “The Overnight.” Her character added depth and complexity to the storyline, engaging viewers with her dynamic presence.
Jon Huertas also made a mark on the series, playing Alejandro Mejia and Cesar Ojeda. His performances were pivotal, and his unique blend of intensity and charisma resonated with the audience.
Additionally, David DeSantos joined the ranks of talented Latino actors featured in the series, further enhancing its rich tapestry of characters and stories.
The Success of ‘The Rookie’
“The Rookie,” created by Alexi Hawley, is based on the true story of William Norcross, who joined the LAPD in his 40s. Premiering in 2018, the series has earned a dedicated fan base for its gripping storytelling and diverse ensemble cast. Now in its seventh season, the show continues to evolve while staying true to its roots.