The Rookie: The Main Characters Ranked From Worst To Best By Character Arc

The Rookie: The Main Characters Ranked From Worst To Best By Character Arc

Because John Nolan is the protagonist of The Rookie, there is a heavy focus on his internal and external journey as he attempts to reinvent himself. Nolan’s decision to become an officer-in-training at the age of 44 wasn’t one that came without consequences. He faces an endless amount of obstacles, yet continues to overcome them.

Nolan might be the titular character, but there are several likable characters in The Rookie that make the series an ensemble. Each one is given an ongoing storyline that shows them develop throughout the seasons. While all of the character’s arcs are entertaining, some have more fleshed-out transformations than others.

Wade Grey

Grey has one of the most entertaining personalities of the show, but it’s rare for him to have a storyline that doesn’t involve his squad. He’s there to issue commands, offer advice, and make witty comments during role calls. While viewers wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to see more of Grey, his current role fits into the show seamlessly.

Because he has already achieved his career goal and matured during his time in the force, it’s more interesting to focus on characters who are still evolving. There’s always room for growth, which Grey realized during The Rookie Season 3. But he is best utilized as a mentor and steady presence.

Wesley Evers

When he was first introduced, Wesley didn’t have much of a storyline outside of Angela. He still isn’t featured quite as heavily as the other characters, but his role as a defense attorney has allowed him to become more heavily intertwined with the plot. Wesley was given his first major storyline in The Rookie Season 2, which transformed him into a three-dimensional character.

After barely escaping death, Wesley struggled to heal from the traumatic experience, and while it was heartbreaking, the arc showcased his emotional range. A continued focus on Wesley and his relationship with Angela is one of many things viewers need to see in Season 4 of The Rookie.

Lucy Chen

Due to how beloved she is by fans and her pivotal role in the story, it might seem odd for Lucy to be so low on the list. She does have several of the most interesting plot lines, but a character arc isn’t based on plot alone, rather how the plot affects them moving forwards. Complexity is the key to making a character interesting and relatable, which lately Lucy has lacked. Lucy’s rationality, professional skills, and emotional maturity are all admirable qualities, yet, they make her too impeccable.

While she had some stumbles during the first few seasons, Lucy has since become perfect in every way. Despite having no experience with undercover work, she took down one of the most dangerous crime syndicates in the state while she was still a rookie, and arrested La Fiera during her first solo operation. Aside from an episode or two, there have been very few indications that she’s suffering any long-term effects from being buried alive. Her abilities should have been achieved through steady development, rather than appearing out of the blue.

John Nolan

The premise of the show set him up for an intriguing arc, and Nolan has undergone a positive transformation over his time in the L.A.P.D. He is the most intelligent character in The Rookie, and what he lacked in policing experience, he made up for in life skills. Nolan’s main goal has always been to protect and serve, and he carries his empathy with him on patrol.

He values everyone he comes into contact with, which includes the criminals he’s been called to arrest. The most interesting aspect about Nolan is that many of his flaws are displayed as positive qualities. Nolan’s savior complex has been apparent ever since the pilot, and while it motivates him to help people, it also causes him to be neglectful. His arc in the third season was a long time coming, and by recognizing that he doesn’t always know best, Nolan grew as both a cop and a person.

Jackson West

If Jackson’s plotlines were more consistent, he would easily be a contender for the top spot. He had one of the most engrossing arcs during the first season, and he was the easiest to relate to out of the characters. While the other rookies rain straight into the line of fire on their first day, the sound of bullets caused Jackson to freeze up.

There’s only so much the police academy can do to prepare people for the dangerous reality of the job, and running towards bullets rather than away takes an adjustment. Additionally, his plot in The Rookie Season 3 was the most impactful one of the entire show, as Jackson put his life on the line to expose a racist cop. By standing up to his superiors, Jackson displayed how far he’d come from the pilot and emphasized the seriousness of the issue.

Angela Lopez

Angela is the most well-rounded character in The Rookie, and her personality makes it easy for the audience to connect with her. She’s had several ongoing plots, all of which were consistently entertaining and beneficial to the journey she was on. It took hard work and dedication, but Angela earned her promotion, and her arc has only become more interesting since she made detective.

There are plenty of challenges women face in careers that were previously dominated by men, and Angela initially felt the need to hide her pregnancy when she started her new job. Yet, she continued to kick butt throughout her entire pregnancy and put one of the most dangerous drug lords behind bars. Angela and her unborn child were abducted by La Fiera in the Season 3 finale of The Rookie, so it’s unlikely that her plot will be winding down anytime soon.

Nyla Harper

Viewers were hesitant to accept Nyla when she was introduced in The Rookie Season 2, as she was created to replace Talia Bishop, a training officer who fans had already formed an attachment to. But Nyla’s character arc, as well as her dynamic with Nolan, brought the show to new heights.

The months she spent deep undercover clearly left their mark, and there was countless questioning surrounding her decision to return to patrol. While all the women are portrayed as independent, and often more capable than the men on the force, Nyla is the epitome of female empowerment. The seminar she gave to Woman Undercover was inspiring and she has even become a mentor to Lucy.

Tim Bradford

Tim Bradford doesn’t just have the best character arc, but he’s the best-written character in general. While he was easily the most unlikeable at the beginning of the series, every episode continues to chip away at his hard exterior and reveal hidden depth. It’s not at all surprising that Tim has become the fan favorite, as he manages to be entertaining under any and all circumstances.

There are multiple sides to his personality, and he has the widest range of the cast. Not only has Tim matured individually, but his relationship development has caused Tim and Lucy’s potential romance to become a highlight of The Rookie. However, viewers are still in the dark when it comes to much of his past, and diving into Tim’s backstory is necessary to flesh him out completely.

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