The Series Finale of Roseanne: Erasing Canon and the Mystery of Missing Characters

The finale of Roseanne left a lasting impact on the show’s canon, raising questions about which characters and storylines are truly part of the narrative. With showrunner Bruce Helford’s ambiguous take on what constitutes the fictional tale woven by Roseanne, fans are left to wonder about the fates of several beloved characters, particularly Angela and Andy.

A Disappearing Act

Angela, who was introduced in Season 5 as part of the Conner family, is notably absent from The Conners. Despite her significance, Dan appears unconcerned about her, even as he bonds with his brother in the new series. This oversight suggests either a deliberate choice to simplify the character roster or a fundamental disconnect with the original storylines.

Sara Gilbert’s Perspective on Andy

Sara Gilbert, a key producer on The Conners, has a different outlook on the absence of Andy. While some writers believe it’s too late to introduce him back into the fold, Gilbert remains hopeful. “In my mind, it’s not off the table entirely,” she stated, suggesting that there could still be a way to incorporate Andy into the narrative. This perspective highlights a potential divide in creative vision between the show’s leadership.

The Challenge of Continuity

While it’s understandable that The Conners needed to refresh its cast for a new generation, completely ignoring characters like Andy feels disingenuous. The show could have easily provided an explanation for his absence—perhaps he went off to college or joined a humanitarian cause. Instead, his erasure feels like a disservice to long-time fans who invested in the original series.

A Simple Solution

A few lines of dialogue could have sufficed to address the missing characters. Just as Mark spent the fourth season premiere connecting with relatives across the country, a quick mention of Andy or Jerry could have added depth to family dynamics. Fans would surely appreciate such acknowledgments over complete omissions.


As it stands, the mystery of the missing children from Roseanne remains unresolved. Unless the show decides to weave a tale where Andy and Angela are reunited with Jerry, fans may never learn their fates. The show’s reluctance to engage with its past creates a lingering sense of loss, leaving viewers eager for explanations that may never come.

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