Titanic was released 20 years ago, but judging by the frequency at which it’s spoken about, it might as well have been released yesterday. Mostly, we still can’t stop talking about that ending: Jack, Rose, a door, and the frigid Titanic. And a new theory surfaced by BuzzFeed says that Rose couldn’t have saved Jack at the end of Titanic.
Before we get into it, we need to reacquaint you with the controversy. James Cameron has been saying Jack had to die since at least 2012. As recently as January of this year, Cameron has said that Jack couldn’t have fit on the door next to Rose. Hell, there’s even an alternate ending to the movie, though debatably worse than the one that already exists. The less said about Billy Zane thinking Rose should have chosen him, the better.
But, the theory. Are you ready? You’re not ready. This theory goes that Rose couldn’t have saved Jack because he’s not a real person.
The evidence is there… kind of. Think about the treasure hunter scene with Rose at the end of the film.
“We never found anything on Jack,” he says. “There’s no record of him at all.”
“No, there wouldn’t be, would there,” Rose responds, cryptically. “He exists now only in my memory.”
We’re listening. Here’s a video explaining the theory.
“Not even close,” one writes. “Jack won his ticket so it’s in someone else’s name – therefore, there could be no trace. Also, they found the drawing .. who would’ve drawn her? Plus, he was seen by her fiancé and her family .. had dinner with them all. So how could he have been made up?”