Titanic: 20 Most Memorable Quotes

After winning 11 Academy Awards, including ‘Best Picture,’ and becoming the first movie to pass the $1 billion mark at the worldwide Box Office (via Variety), Titanic is one of the most successful movies of all time. Even with the movie being over 20 years old, many fans always enjoy revisiting the movie since it had a compelling love story in Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose’s (Kate Winslet) and a lot of authentic performances from the actors too.

Titanic: Each Main Character's First & Last Line
Many cinephiles will also agree that there are a lot of memorable quotes in Titanic that had a huge impact. Although not all of them have ended up in the American Film Institute’s “100 Greatest Movie Quotes Of All Time,” there are certainly a few of them that should be in contention since they were quite significant to the story and easy to remember.

Updated on December 20, 2021, by Kayleigh Banks: While there are a number of outstanding features within the movie, including the costume and set designs, one element that doesn’t get as much praise is the script. Since many tend to focus on Jack and Rose’s romance, they inadvertently fail to recognize how great the characterization is. Whether it’s because of Caldon Hockley (Billy Zane) pretentious and despicable attitude or Tommy Ryan’s (Jason Barry) sarcastic attitude, the actors wouldn’t have been able to give such memorable performances if it wasn’t for the dialogue and unique one-liners.

Molly Brown To Cal Hockley
“You Going To Cut Her Meat For Her, Too, There Cal?

Although many of the upper-class didn’t like Molly Brown (Kathy Bates) due to how she attained her wealth, fans loved her. Not only was she one of the few people to treat Jack with respect but she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up against those who are bullies.

Molly Brown talking to Rose in Titanic

This was particularly the case when it came to her interactions with Cal, who she noticed was quite controlling over Rose and wouldn’t let her make her own choices. Since Rose’s mother didn’t notice her daughter was suffering in silence (or chose to ignore it), fans were glad that Molly would try her best to support Rose by undermining Cal whenever she felt like he was overstepping a boundary.

Brock Lovett To Lizzy Calvert
“Three Years, I Thought Of Nothing Except Titanic; But I Never Got It. I Never Let It In.”

There were plenty of people who underwent a huge character development in Titanic, one of which included Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton). When fans first met Brock, they could tell that he was a fame-hungry treasure hunter, who wanted nothing but glory. He even had no qualms in trying to manipulate Rose to achieve his goals.

An image of Brock showing Rose an image in Titanic

However, at the end of the movie, fans see Brock tells Rose’s granddaughter, Lizzy Calvert (Suzy Amis Cameron), that he has had an epiphany. He had been so obsessed with the glory and the wealth he would attain that he never truly considered how the families of the tragedy would be impacted by his “documentary” until Rose told her story. By throwing his cigar into the ocean, there is an implication that Brock might be reconsidering his career and his life principles.

Jack Dawson To Fabrizo De Rossi
“I’m The King Of The World.”

Known to be one of the movie’s most iconic scenes, Jack’s screaming how he was “the king of the world” is a moment that no fan will forget. Revealed by James Cameron to be an improvised line, this is one of the first scenes where fans got a glimpse of Jack’s carefree and optimistic nature.

Jack and Fabrizio standing at the front of the Titanic

While other characters, like Ruth and Cal, are judging the size of the rooms and locking up all their valuables, Jack and Fabrizio are doing the opposite. They are taking into account everything they see and noting down all the details. They don’t care if other people are judging them or if they could be embarrassed about their behavior because, at this moment, they feel like they are on top of the world.

Rose DeWitt Bukater To Brock Levett’s Crew

“Now You Know That There Was A Man Named Jack Dawson, And That He Saved Me In Every Way That A Person Can Be Saved. I Don’t Have A Picture Of Him. He Exists Only In My Memory.”

It’s no secret that Rose’s romance with Jack had been a significant part of her life. Not only did his presence help Rose to become more open and carefree but he also gave her the courage to stand up to her family and live the life she wanted.

Jack and Rose kissing in front of all the passengers in Titanic
Sadly, not many people will learn about Jack’s story since he wasn’t officially on the passenger manifest. Yet, Rose would have no qualms telling anyone who would listen about Jack’s actions or the memories that they shared since he truly did help her to escape her mother and Cal’s influence.

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