Titanic: 8 Reasons Why Jack And Rose Are A Terrible Couple (& 2 Reasons Why We’ll Allow It Anyway)

The doomed relationship of Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater has been melting hearts right around the world for more than 20 years. Since James Cameron’s Titanic debuted in 1997, audiences have united behind Jack and Rose to lament the fact that they never got their happy ending (unless you count the afterlife scene at the end of the movie).

Jack and Rose will always have a place in our hearts as one of those movie couples that you can’t help but love. But that doesn’t mean their relationship makes a lot of sense. When you really think about it, they actually make a pretty terrible couple! Read on to find out why.

Their Relationship Lasted Two Days

Jack and Rose’s relationship is often thought of as one of the greatest in movie history. But when you think about it objectively, it isn’t really. To start with, they were only together for two days. From the time that Jack saved Rose from jumping off the Titanic to the moment he freezes in the Atlantic Ocean, only a little over 48 hours passes.

The timing issue isn’t their fault, of course, but two days just isn’t enough time for a relationship to develop. To have such strong feelings for another person after knowing them for so little time might not be that normal (or healthy).

It Was Lust Rather Than Love

That brings us to our next point. Although we tend to think of Jack and Rose as having a great love, it’s pretty obvious to us now that they were in lust rather than love. While there are still those who believe in love at first sight, the truth is that love is something that takes time to develop.

It’s difficult to define exactly what love is, but most experts will tell you that it involves several elements, including commitment, a connection on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level, trust, and deep respect. You just can’t get all of that in 48 hours. So the strong feelings that these two have for each other probably come down to lust disguised as love.

Rose Wasn’t Actually Available To Be In A Relationship

We’re not huge fans of Rose’s fiancé Cal. It’s obvious from the way he controls her, talks to her like she’s a child, and physically strikes her that he would make a terrible husband. But the fact does remain: when she meets Jack, Rose is in a relationship. She’s engaged to be married, which makes Jack the other guy.

Jack and Rose kiss on the ship's railing

We understand that it would have been immensely difficult for Rose to end her relationship with Cal, especially given the pressure her mother was putting on her and the societal expectations at the time. But does that make cheating okay?

They Didn’t Have A Lot In Common

Relationships that last have to have more substance to them than just physical attraction. Even if two people have great physical chemistry, they won’t last long as a couple if they don’t actually enjoy each other’s company and don’t have a lot to talk about. Although Jack and Rose do have great chemistry, they really don’t have that much in common.

These characters do care for each other, but they are from two completely different worlds. While the differences between them are a novelty as they get to know each other, they may have eventually caused major problems if Jack had survived the sinking and they had run away together in New York.

Jack Was Probably A Bit Obsessed With Rose

When you examine the relationship between Rose and Jack and understand just how little time they actually had together, Jack’s sacrifices for Rose seem a little over the top. It definitely makes for a great romance film to see a character sacrifice himself, again and again, to save the love of his life, don’t get us wrong.

But in real life, if somebody became that emotionally invested in you after knowing you for two days, you’d most likely be creeped out. Even if he did look like Leonardo DiCaprio.

Her Family Never Would Have Accepted Him

When push comes to shove, Ruth DeWitt Bukater would never accept Jack Dawson as her daughter’s lover. Even before she had to rely on Cal to financially provide for her and Rose, she never would have allowed her daughter to associate with someone like Jack.

That’s not to say that a relationship is automatically terrible just because family members don’t approve. But the relationship would have been a source of friction had Jack survived. Who knows what the drama may have escalated to? We already know Cal isn’t above pulling a gun on Jack.

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